Hi Bas,
Thanks for the reply! I was beginning to wonder if I was the only person on this list ;-). I had tried to do a maxproc and/or maxmem on my classes. However, it just didn't seem to work well. If no one else was using the cluster, capping a user off at a certain amount of processors while the rest of the processors remain idle didn't seem to be making the cluster efficient at utilizing all the resources. If lets say a user (A) met that maxproc/maxmem limit and was still able to have jobs backfilled after that would seem to me a good way to solve my problem. This way I could guarantee them a certain amount of processors while allowing over that limit to be backfilled thus making the cluster efficient by utilizing all the resources possible. If another user (B) were to submit, the same thing should happen for them. The first user's (A) backfilled jobs would get pre-empted to run the second users jobs up to the maxproc limit and then backfill the rest. However, with maui, when you hit your limit your done. No other jobs will get backfilled to run. So while that didn't seem to work out as I'd like I thought it would be great if fairshare could be calculated based on the number of users on the queue. If there are 2 users, then 1 / 2 users would give them each 50% fairshare. If there were 4 users, then fairshare would get calculated as 1 / 4 users giving them each 25% fairshare. I'm sure there are drawback to this as well. Basically, all I want to do is give each user a fairshare of resources while still running as many jobs as possible in order to keep the utilization close to 100%. Especially when there are jobs in the Q state. It doesn't seem to make sense to cap everyone at a certain limit and queue the rest of their jobs while resources sit idle. I've struggled with trying to solve this situation for quite a while now. This kind of surprises me as I don't think what I'd like to see happen is something out of the ordinary. Isn't this what most clusters want to achieve?

"Give everyone a fair share of resources while maintaining close to 100% utilization of those resources"

To me this would seem to be the next logical step up from running your cluster as a simple FIFO queue.

On another note I am confused by setting a default of 25% fairshare for everyone. If you have less than 4 people using the system then your going to have idle resources. Then when you exceed 4 people utilizing the cluster what happens to fairshare then? Does maui start setting fairshare equally to each user up to 25%? Let say you have 5 users. Does fairshare try to keep everyone at 20%? Or does it give the first four 25% and the fifth have to wait for some of the first four's jobs to complete?

Again, thanks for the reply =). I hope to hear more from other sites about how they accomplished this.


On Feb 7, 2008, at 3:14 AM, Bas van der Vlies wrote:

On Feb 6, 2008, at 9:55 PM, Steve Young wrote:

Ok I guess this is my 3rd and last attempt to ask how to do this.
All I would really like is to know how to make a person's fairshare =
1 / <number of users who have submitted jobs>
With a fairshare like this it would seem like then everyone would get
an equal amount of resources.

Aside from running as a FIFO scheduler this would seem to be the next
step for most. Allowing anyone to run any number of jobs but assuring
that each user gets an equal fairshare of resources. This example
would fit nicely in the Appendix "Case Studies" in the maui admin
manual. I'd be happy to help put a case study together to show this
if someone could help explain how to do it =). Thanks,



I do not know if this answer your question. When for eg a user has a fairshare of 25% and he has used all of it. He gets a negative priority. You can set in the maui.cfg to: http://www.clusterresources.com/products/maui/docs/ a.fparameters.shtml#rejectnegpriojobs

what we have done is every user has a MAXPS for eg 600 hours, now he can run:
  * 100 jobs for 6 hours
  * or 10 jobs for 60 hours
 * ...

This is another solution that a user does not monopolize the system. It also very dynamic when a user submits 11 jobs with a walltime of 60 hours. The system will schedule 10 jobs and after 6 hours the 11th job can run, because 10 * 6 = 60 hours are reallocated to the user's MAXPS

At our site we use MAXPS and FAIRSHARE to balance the system and preventing users to monopolize the system.


On Jan 31, 2008, at 12:18 PM, Steve Young wrote:

So perhaps my first question didn't make any sense ;-). Basically,
I am trying to figure out how to prevent a user from tying up all
the resources by submitting a large amount of jobs to the queue. If
no one else has requested any resources then as many jobs that can
run should. However, if someone else submits jobs I'd like for them
to get their fair-share of resources without having to wait for the
first users jobs to complete and free up resources.
Perhaps, I've answered my question with "fairshare" and should be
looking more closely at that. What I don't understand is if I were
to set a fairshare of lets say 25% per user, how would this effect
the queue system if no one else was running jobs. Essentially, I'd
want this user to get 100% of the resources until someone else were
to submit. Here is the policy I'd like to simulate:

A user is guaranteed  up to 32cpu's or 32Gb of ram. Above that,
jobs will get backfilled. Backfilled jobs will get suspended as
more users utilize the queue.

Perhaps, I have this all wrong and should be thinking about it
differently. I'd love to see some examples of what others have done
to remedy this situation. Thanks in advance,


On Jan 28, 2008, at 2:55 PM, Steve Young wrote:

I am trying to figure out how to make the following work within
our cluster using torque/maui:

I'd like a user to be able to submit as many jobs as they like.
However, they should only be allowed up to 32cpu or 32gb of
memory. After that if there are idle resources then the rest of
their jobs can be backfilled on idle nodes.

If another user submits jobs they should get the same policy and
pre-empt any backfilled jobs (if that's required to meet the 32cpu
or memory limit).

So basically, I think this should be fairly common. I want to run
as many jobs as possible on idle resources but only guarantee the
jobs that fall under the MAXPROC/MAXMEM policy. I've implemented
the MAXPROC/MAXMEM policy but it appears backfill won't work for
the remaining jobs. So I am assuming backfill has to abide by the
MAXPROC/MAXMEM policy I have in place. Can anyone give me some
pointers to the proper way to implement this? Thanks in advance!


[root@ maui]# cat maui.cfg (edited for some content)
# maui.cfg 3.2.6p14

# Resource Manager Definition


RMPOLLINTERVAL        00:00:30

SERVERPORT            42559

# Admin: http://clusterresources.com/mauidocs/a.esecurity.html

LOGDIR                /var/log/maui
LOGFILE               maui.log
LOGFILEMAXSIZE        100000000
#LOGLEVEL              3
LOGLEVEL              2
STATDIR               /var/log/maui/stats
SERVERHOMEDIR         /usr/maui/
TOOLSDIR              /usr/maui/tools/
LOGDIR                /var/log/maui/
STATDIR               /usr/maui/stats/
#LOCKFILE              /usr/maui/maui.pid
SERVERCONFIGFILE      /usr/maui/maui.cfg
CHECKPOINTFILE        /var/log/maui/maui.ck

# Misc configs

JOBMAXOVERRUN           00:01:00
CREDWEIGHT             1
CLASSWEIGHT            1
QOSWEIGHT              1

# Job Priority: http://clusterresources.com/mauidocs/


# FairShare: http://clusterresources.com/mauidocs/6.3fairshare.html

FSDEPTH               7
FSINTERVAL            86400
FSDECAY               0.80

# Throttling Policies: http://clusterresources.com/mauidocs/


# Backfill: http://clusterresources.com/mauidocs/8.2backfill.html

RESDEPTH              32

# Node Allocation: http://clusterresources.com/mauidocs/

NODEMAXLOAD             1.0

# QOS: http://clusterresources.com/mauidocs/7.3qos.html

QOSFEATURES[qm] hamilton g03
QOSFEATURES[md] hamilton

# Standing Reservations: http://clusterresources.com/mauidocs/

# SRSTARTTIME[test] 8:00:00
# SRENDTIME[test]   17:00:00
# SRTASKCOUNT[test] 20
# SRMAXTIME[test]   0:30:00

# Creds: http://clusterresources.com/mauidocs/

# USERCFG[john]         PRIORITY=100  FSTARGET=10.0-
# GROUPCFG[staff]       PRIORITY=1000 QLIST=hi:low QDEF=hi
# Groups
GROUPCFG[faculty]       PRIORITY=1000 QLIST=faculty QDEF=faculty
GROUPCFG[hamilton]      PRIORITY=10
GROUPCFG[users]         PRIORITY=10
# Classes (queue's)
#CLASSCFG[main]         QLIST=md:qm
CLASSCFG[main]          QLIST=md:qm:mercury MAXPROC=32,64
CLASSCFG[hamilton]      QLIST=md:qm

torque config

[root@ maui]# qmgr
Max open servers: 4
Qmgr: print server
# Create queues and set their attributes.
# Create and define queue main
create queue main
set queue main queue_type = Execution
set queue main Priority = 100
set queue main resources_default.neednodes = main
set queue main resources_default.walltime = 24:00:00
set queue main enabled = True
set queue main started = True
# Create and define queue hamilton
create queue hamilton
set queue hamilton queue_type = Execution
set queue hamilton resources_default.neednodes = hamilton
set queue hamilton resources_default.walltime = 24:00:00
set queue hamilton enabled = True
set queue hamilton started = True
# Set server attributes.
set server scheduling = True
set server default_queue = main
set server log_events = 511
set server mail_from = adm
set server query_other_jobs = True
set server resources_default.ncpus = 1
set server resources_default.walltime = 24:00:00
set server scheduler_iteration = 60
set server node_check_rate = 150
set server tcp_timeout = 6
set server job_nanny = True
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