Hi all, I would like to add a question to that performed in the mail sent yesterday to the mailing list. What is the order in which jobs are executed? It is the order specified by the job ID? A job with a greater ID, requesting few resources must wait for completion of a job with minor job ID, although there are many free processors? Users ask me why those free processors can not be used.
Thanks in advance Fernando -------- Mensaje original -------- Asunto: Queueing jobs in inappropriate order Fecha: Tue, 23 Jun 2015 20:04:17 -0300 De: Fernando Caba <fc...@uns.edu.ar>A: Torque Users Mailing List <torqueus...@supercluster.org>, mauiusers <mauiusers@supercluster.org>
Hi All, in my cluster the users run jobs in one node with different quantity of processors (nodes=1:ppn= 4, 8 or 12)
For some reason, the jobs are queued besides resources are available. For example, a job requiring 12 cores becomes queued and several nodes have 8 cores free (we have 8 nodes and each node have 12 cores).
If the users submit new jobs with 4 cores o 8 cores, those jobs don´t run, becomes queued in spite of the available resources.
Here is my maui.cfg: # maui.cfg 3.3.1 SERVERHOST fe # primary admin must be first in list ADMIN1 root # Resource Manager Definition RMCFG[FE] TYPE=PBS # Allocation Manager Definition AMCFG[bank] TYPE=NONE # full parameter docs at http://supercluster.org/mauidocs/a.fparameters.html # use the 'schedctl -l' command to display current configuration RMPOLLINTERVAL 00:00:30 SERVERPORT 42559 SERVERMODE NORMAL # Admin: http://supercluster.org/mauidocs/a.esecurity.html LOGFILE maui.log LOGFILEMAXSIZE 10000000 LOGLEVEL 3 # Job Priority: http://supercluster.org/mauidocs/5.1jobprioritization.html QUEUETIMEWEIGHT 1 # FairShare: http://supercluster.org/mauidocs/6.3fairshare.html #FSPOLICY PSDEDICATED #FSDEPTH 7 #FSINTERVAL 86400 #FSDECAY 0.80# Throttling Policies: http://supercluster.org/mauidocs/6.2throttlingpolicies.html
# NONE SPECIFIED # Backfill: http://supercluster.org/mauidocs/8.2backfill.html BACKFILLPOLICY FIRSTFIT RESERVATIONPOLICY CURRENTHIGHEST # Node Allocation: http://supercluster.org/mauidocs/5.2nodeallocation.html NODEALLOCATIONPOLICY MINRESOURCE #NODEALLOCATIONPOLICY FIRSTAVAILABLE # QOS: http://supercluster.org/mauidocs/7.3qos.html # QOSCFG[hi] PRIORITY=100 XFTARGET=100 FLAGS=PREEMPTOR:IGNMAXJOB # QOSCFG[low] PRIORITY=-1000 FLAGS=PREEMPTEE# Standing Reservations: http://supercluster.org/mauidocs/7.1.3standingreservations.html
# SRSTARTTIME[test] 8:00:00 # SRENDTIME[test] 17:00:00 # SRDAYS[test] MON TUE WED THU FRI # SRTASKCOUNT[test] 20 # SRMAXTIME[test] 0:30:00 # Creds: http://supercluster.org/mauidocs/6.1fairnessoverview.html # USERCFG[DEFAULT] FSTARGET=25.0 # USERCFG[john] PRIORITY=100 FSTARGET=10.0- # GROUPCFG[staff] PRIORITY=1000 QLIST=hi:low QDEF=hi # CLASSCFG[batch] FLAGS=PREEMPTEE # CLASSCFG[interactive] FLAGS=PREEMPTOR CLASSCFG[batch] MAXPROCPERUSER=12 JOBNODEMATCHPOLICY EXACTPROC #JOBNODEMATCHPOLICY EXACTNODE and here is my torque configuration: # # Create queues and set their attributes. # # # Create and define queue batch # create queue batch set queue batch queue_type = Execution set queue batch resources_default.nodes = 8 set queue batch resources_default.walltime = 4800:00:00 set queue batch enabled = True set queue batch started = True # # Set server attributes. # set server scheduling = True set server acl_hosts = fe set server managers = root@fe set server operators = root@fe set server default_queue = batch set server log_events = 511 set server scheduler_iteration = 600 set server node_check_rate = 150 set server tcp_timeout = 6 set server log_level = 7 set server mom_job_sync = True set server keep_completed = 300 set server auto_node_np = True set server next_job_number = 10422 set server record_job_info = True set server record_job_script = TrueSo, i was thinking about the creation of different queue, one for 4 cores jobs, another one for 8 cores jobs and another one for 12 cores jobs. Is this a reasonable policy, forcing the exact quantity of cores in each job per corresponding queue (for 4, 8 or 12 cores per job)?
Thanks in advance!! Fernando --
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