U N I T E D  N A T I O N S
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Integrated Regional Information Network 

WEST AFRICA: IRIN WA Weekly Round-up 348 for 16-22 September 2006


LIBERIA: UN cites urgent humanitarian needs of thousands
CHAD: New fronts open in eastern fighting
WEST AFRICA: Saudi donation to help alleviate hunger
COTE D IVOIRE: President says peacekeepers can leave
SENEGAL: New attacks in Casamance
COTE D IVOIRE: French executives arrested in toxic-waste scandal
GABON: Poverty amid plenty as unemployment booms

LIBERIA: UN cites urgent humanitarian needs of thousands

The United Nations says about 30,000 people living near Liberia's second 
largest rubber plantation need urgent assistance now that former combatants no 
longer lord over the site. The government of President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, 
backed by UN peacekeepers, repossessed the Guthrie Rubber Plantation, some 35 
km northwest of the capital, Monrovia, last month.


CHAD: New fronts open in eastern fighting

Columns of soldiers, helicopter gun-ships and tanks have been blasting rebel 
strongholds in eastern Chad this week, military sources said. A Chadian 
military official contacted by IRIN said government forces attacked rebels on 
Tuesday at Hadjer Marfaine, which lies between the towns of Adre and Birak 
close to the Sudan border, and at Moudeina. The official spoke on condition of 


WEST AFRICA: Saudi donation to help alleviate hunger

Saudi Arabia has donated US $10 million to the World Food Programme to help 
fight hunger in eight West African countries and boost school feeding 
programmes. "This assistance to the WFP, especially at this particular time 
when there is hunger in the West African region, would go a long way in 
supporting our food aid programs within the region where aid is highly needed," 
Mustapha Darboe, West Africa regional director of WFP, told reporters on 


COTE D IVOIRE: President says peacekeepers can leave

The United Nations and French peacekeepers in Cote d'Ivoire can leave the 
country if they want to, President Laurent Gbagbo said in an interview 
published just ahead of a crucial meeting on the nation's faltering peace 
process. "If they want to leave, they can leave," Gbagbo said in an interview 
with the French daily Le Monde published on Tuesday. "I haven't asked them to, 
but I am thinking of an alternative [peace] plan that I will propose to the 
African Union."


SENEGAL: New attacks in Casamance

Armed rebels looted a convoy of cars on Tuesday morning near the village of 
Kaparan in the restive Casamance region of southern Senegal, feeding local 
fears that a new cycle of violence is starting to take hold. Tuesday's attacks 
took place 45 kilometres northwest of the main Casamance city of Ziguinchor at 
around 9 a.m. on the main road to the border with The Gambia, police and 
military officials said.


COTE D IVOIRE: French executives arrested in toxic-waste scandal

Authorities in Cote d'Ivoire have arrested two senior French officials of a 
Dutch-based commodities company in connection with a toxic waste scandal that 
has shaken an already jittery government in the war-divided country."They have 
been charged with infractions of toxic waste laws," said Justice Ministry 
official Ali Yeo. Authorities prevented the two executives of commodities 
trader Trafigura Beheer BV from leaving the country late Saturday as they were 
about to board a flight to Europe. Their passports were confiscated because 
they had not yet appeared before a judge, Yeo said.


GABON: Poverty amid plenty as unemployment booms

Patiently scraping the scales off fish at the Pont Nomba market in Gabon's 
capital, 19-year-old high-school graduate Etienne Biyoghe said he once dreamt 
of an office career. But as unemployment has soared in oil-rich Gabon, now he 
feels lucky just to have enough money to put some food on the table at the end 
of the day. "I do not feel ashamed," Biyoghe said. In a good month, the arduous 
work can net him US $300, well above the US $85 minimum wage - unchanged since 
1970. It is set to go up to US $155 next month. An estimated 40 percent of 
people are unemployed in Gabon, a tiny West African country rich in oil, gold, 
manganese and ore. The United Nations says that between 60 and 70 percent of 
the population live below the poverty line, scraping by on less than US $1 per 



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