AFRICA: ARVs on the frontline

[This report does not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations]

JOHANNESBURG, 26 October (IRIN) - Providing HIV/AIDS treatment and care in 
countries at peace is hard enough; extending those services to people on the 
run from conflict or disaster seems, on the face of it, hopelessly complicated.

But even during the height of the fighting in war-wracked eastern Democratic 
Republic of Congo (DRC), the medical relief group Médecins Sans Frontières was 
doing it in two clinics in Bukavu, capital of South Kivu Province, developing a 
model that has been replicated in other conflict areas.

The rationale is straightforward: crisis-affected people have the same right to 
HIV/AIDS services as the general population. That entitlement extends to 
refugees, with a series of international protocols upholding their right to a 
minimum standard of assistance.

There are an estimated 31 million refugees and displaced people in the world, 
but when demobilising ex-combatants and communities "in transition to recovery" 
are added, the number of people at risk balloons to over 80 million. An 
additional 120 million are deemed vulnerable in Southern Africa due to the 
special circumstances of extremely high HIV infection rates, large pockets of 
food insecurity and poverty, and weak public services.

"We're not talking about a marginal group of people. Somewhere in the region of 
80 to 90 countries - half the number of countries in the world - have got 
siginificant populations of humanitarian concern, so this is mainstream 
business," Mukesh Kapila, UNAIDS technical director of a programme for 
scaling-up HIV/AIDS services, told IRIN/PlusNews.

Kapila heads a consortium of nine UN agencies working to clear away the 
organisational and technical hurdles that prevent populations of concern 
benefiting from HIV/AIDS assistance. The goal is the inclusion of their 
specific needs in humanitarian and development programmes, with a related focus 
on the protection of women and girls from sexual violence.

"It has been shown, even in the most difficult circumstances, that one can 
provide reliable and safe treatment opportunities," said Kapila. "The costs of 
bringing this to all vulnerable populations has significantly decreased over 
the years ... to the point where we can contemplate taking this on."

Conflict, displacement, food insecurity and poverty make affected populations 
more vulnerable to HIV transmission; providing treatment and care not only 
directly helps the traumatised victims of disasters and emergencies, but also 
benefits wider society. 

A joint UNHCR and UNAIDS report, 'Strategies to support the HIV-related needs 
of refugees and host populations', makes the point that failure to provide 
HIV/AIDS services for refugees, "hinders effective HIV prevention and care for 
host country populations. Since refugees now remain, on average, in their host 
country for 17 years, the implications for both refugee and host populations 
are very serious."

There are similarities between providing treatment for tuberculosis - which is 
routine - and making antiretroviral therapy (ART) available in humanitarian 
emergencies; there are also distinct differences. "These include more 
complicated diagnosis and follow-up, life-long treatment and significantly more 
funding," Paul Spiegel, senior HIV technical officer with the UN refugee 
agency, UNHCR, said in a study that has guided some of the new thinking on 
HIV/AIDS and vulnerable populations.

Minimum services - treatment for sexually transmitted diseases, condom 
distribution and AIDS education programmes - must be in place before more 
complicated interventions like prevention of mother-to-child transmission and 
antiretroviral therapy (ART) are initiated, Spiegel noted.

"Although people have a universal right of access, it doesn't mean that it 
would be feasible to start everybody on treatment," said Kapila, who is also 
HIV/AIDS Special Representative of the Secretary General of the International 
Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. "There are indicators for 
the right type of interventions for the right type of target groups."

Providing HIV/AIDS services to vulnerable populations has long-term 
developmental advantages. Refugee camps, for example, are usually far from 
urban-based programmes. "Improving HIV/AIDS interventions in an integrated 
manner for the refugees and surrounding host population will invariably improve 
services for both communities," Spiegel said in his influential study, 
'HIV/AIDS among conflict-affected and displaced populations'.

And, after years of AIDS education programmes, repatriated refugees and 
homeward-bound displaced families arrive back in their communities with an 
awareness that can potentially shape attitudes. "Conflict and disasters 
represent an opportunity for new paradigms and new ways of thinking," said 

But there are serious ethical and safety concerns in providing ART to 
crisis-affected groups. When the disaster is over, people often return home to 
smashed and looted hospitals, under the nominal care of governments without the 
capacity to provide basic social services: ideal conditions for treatment 
interruption and, inevitably, drug resistance.

Simplified treatment protocols and community-based ART programmes can provide 
some of the answers, but challenges remain in delivering support to national 
HIV/AIDS efforts for the longer-term integration of resettling people.

The UNAIDS/UNHCR study stressed that "host countries, humanitarian and 
development agencies and donors need to continue to seek new ways to address 
the cross-border realities of the AIDS epidemic". But the needs of populations 
of concern can only be met if significant additional funding is made available.

"We have to speak, as UN agencies, NGOs and others working in emergencies, with 
one voice to advocate with donors to support ART in emergencies in an 
appropriate and sustainable manner," said Laurie Bruns, UNHCR's senior regional 
HIV/AIDS coordinator in Southern Africa.

"Global targets towards universal access for HIV services will not be achieved 
if populations in emergency settings are excluded," she added.

This is part of a series of stories in a new PlusNews Web Special: 'ART on the 


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