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In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful


Vote No For War In Iraq

War In Iraq a Ballot Initiative In Some States


WASHINGTON, DC - Oct. 26, 2006 (MASNET) Several states and municipalities will give their citizens the opportunity to voice their opposition to the war through non-binding ballot initiatives. Below is an article from the Boston Globe which highlights the issues concerning ballot initiatives on the war in Iraq. Although the resolution is non-binding, we encourage those voters who live in areas where the war in Iraq is on the ballot, to make their voices heard. Vote No to the continued U.S occupation of Iraq. Vote Yes to bringing our troops home now.


Iraq Pullout Resolution On Ballot

By Jonathan Saltzman and David Abel, Globe Staff  

October 11, 2006


Voters in more than one-third of Massachusetts' cities and towns will get a rare chance to register their opinion on the war in Iraq next month when they consider a ballot question on whether the United States should immediately withdraw all troops.


The nonbinding question asks voters in all or parts of 139 municipalities whether their state representative should be instructed to vote in favor of a resolution calling on President Bush and Congress to end the war and bring the soldiers home.


The American Friends Service Committee, one of several groups that organized volunteers to fan out across the state to collect signatures in the spring and summer to get the question on ballots, said yesterday that more voters can consider the Nov. 7 ballot question than any other advisory policy issue in state history.


The question, which was approved for the ballot in recent weeks by Attorney General Thomas F. Reilly and Secretary of the Commonwealth William F. Galvin , will be considered by communities as far west as Hancock in the Berkshires and as far east as Provincetown, as large as Boston and as small as Gill, and as conservative by reputation as Orange and as liberal as Cambridge. About 22 percent of the state's registered voters will get the chance to have their say, organizers estimated.


Voters have approved similar bring-the-troops-home resolutions in recent months as part of statewide efforts in Vermont and Wisconsin, and in scores of cities from Chicago to Chapel Hill, N.C.


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