Jemal Ould Yessa is a young policy which lived in exile during the
years of reign of Ould Taya, because of its radical and active
opposition to the mode. It played a part important in the deterioration
of its relations with Europe, by the denunciation of the character
clientelist and tyrannical of the Capacity.

After the coup d'etat of August 3, 2005, Jemal did not grant its
confidence to the promises of the soldiers; it preferred to remain
abroad until the term of the transition, by thus anticipating "the
violation" of the insurances of democracy and neutrality.

Within sight of the noise caused by the incentive of the mode to the
traditional forces, aiming at making them leave the political parties
in order to create new formations, as well as the general judgment of
this frank abuse which benefits a still formless entity, we put
ourselves in relation to Jemal Ould Yessa, the spokesman of
"Conscience and Resistance" to explore its reading of the current
situation and to evaluate the deviation of the democratic transition.
It agreed to answer us.

Question 1: Which is your evaluation of the last measurements
undertaken by members of the military council, described by some like a
manner of supporting the traditional forces? do you regard them as a
repudiation of the promises of the army?

Answer: The principle of the independent candidatures had been retained
during the national days of dialogue, of the 25 have October 29, 2005;
in oneself, it did not pose a problem until the days, recent, where the
President of the Military Council started to convene the notable tribal
ones - chiefs of tent, emirs forgotten, féticheurs marabouts and other
Masters of box - to incite them to demolish their fasteners partisanes,
in order to create an alternative force with the conventional
formations. At the time of his press conference in Paris, Colonel Ely
Ould Mohamed Vall will go even until evaluating their weight with 80%
of the electorate, predicting the victory of the preserving camp to the
future elections.

The Head of the State disavowed engagements of the Military Council and
the Government; in spite of its denials, the eyewitnesses are numerous
who refute his insurances of neutrality. How one says in Hassaniya,
"roushoum euhdeuj" 1!

Today, it is too late, the message preferably passes among all the
opportunist elites, in particular in the traditional mediums; the
President of the CMJD cannot repair his gesture any more, unless
resigning or to make prohibit the independent candidatures, which would
be undemocratic. The transition is danger, the more so as it is
profiled behind the recent operations, the attempt to impose honourable
Sidi Ould Sheik Abdallahi on the supreme office. The soldiers would
remain thus with the orders, behind the frontage of a civil mode. The
two steps all the more prove vectors of instability, therefore of coup
d'etat to repetition, which they were carried out in most obvious
misfiring and amateurism. Honestly, in term of objective appreciation,
I do not believe that the operation can pass without important damage.

Question 2: Even some within the elite justify this attempt by the
weakness of the political parties and their incapacity to become a
partner in the management of the transition, which requires that one
find others of them; what do you think about it?

Answer: Admittedly, the political parties remain weakened by crushing
the legacy of the dictatorship; they so much learned realism, the
flexibility and the economy of the forces that they were reduced by it
to make competition, to like the CMJD; this report, I exclude, however,
the APP, Hatem and the AJD. Remember the Declaration Dakar, a few days
after the salutary putsch of August 3, 2005: what we other signatories
claim, then, with the support of the international community, is taken
again today, in substance, by the political community, from now on in
consensus against the partiality of the transition; if they all had
supported us, we would not be at this stage of uncertainty. You know,
in pacified policy, essence resides in the aptitude for the challenge,
the capacity with going towards and against reality; thus the
conviction, by its tension and its ambition, creates or modifies, the
report/ratio of the forces. Our parties, alas, are found driven by the
mental springs which characterize the culture of resignation in Moor
medium. As long as they will not be émancipés of such a fastener,
they will advance, always, with the drag of the events.

Question 3: What should make the ordinary citizen, the policy, the
intellectual and the civil company to mitigate what you describe as
being violations of the promises?

Answer: The average citizen is not an actor in the dispute present;
this is a problem of groups of decision, i.e. of moral direction of the
company. Two attitudes present, here:

- The inveterate "compromissionnists" will seek to obtain crumbs of
concession on behalf of the capacity, even leaves to forget them the
following day; these, many, will shout extremely at the beginning, will
be keep silent then and ended up accepting the new rules of the game
and same the possible frauds. This race of politicians lives in the
obsession of the conflict and flees any test likely to involve, for it,
a loss of influence, material advantages or of comfort. The President
of the CMJD, which knows deep Mauritania well, setting on this
pragmatism by cowardice.

- The Right ones, them, do not have anything to lose or very little;
they will fight with an energy besides unequal according to their
degree of implication in the play, since the coup d'etat of August 3.
Though minority and of a weak influence on the real country, they have
a considerable capacity of harmful effect, especially as regards
psycho-media war, of investigation and external relays. By their joint
action, they hold faculty to prepare an insurrectionary environment. It
goes without saying that I melt more hopes of correction of the process
in progress on this category of activists.

Question 4: Which is the reaction of the organization policies abroad
opposite what occurs now and in particular your Conscience organization
and Resistance? What do you wait hope you to act inside?

Answer: It seems to to me that you are late of a report: the fall of
Colonel Ould Taya led the radical movements - armed or civil in exile -
to redeploy, in Mauritania; except notable for the FLAM and some
associations of defense for the victims for racism, the majority of the
opponents in total rupture with the system started to regain the
territory or were reinstalled with its periphery.

For our part, we are not an organization of mass and avoid becoming it.
We constitute a cell dismembered which specializes in nonviolent
subversion and the intellectual proposal, out of any taboo. This role,
we play it fully, while granting, with the transitional arrangement, a
critical support.

Our reaction to the cheating present consisted, as of the beginning, to
inform the public of it, by the detail, whereas the politicians,
bewitched in front of galons officers, remained skeptics with our
alarms; in spite of their incredulity, we continued to reveal, without
reserve, the pretences and the fraudulent acts of the capacity of
transition, until the moment when imposture became manifest.

These days, we pass to the second phase, by targeting the external
partners, to obtain them an awakening and adequate retaliatory
measures, vis-a-vis the danger inherent in the attitude of the
President of the Military Council. We assume our vocation universalist
fully; we defend only one respectful Mauritania of its citizens, not
that of iniquity.

The old opposition, it, should concentrate on the mobilization of the
street, occupy this one, through a program of demonstrations,
gatherings, including night; it is true, the month of the Ramadan
comprises its constraints.

It would be quite as urgent as the injured parties initiate a common
step in direction of the other members of the CMJD; the President of
this authority could not be safe from a vote of distrust on behalf of
his colleagues. He is not irreplaceable.

Question 5: Which is your comment compared to the last statements with
the press made by president Ely Ould Mohamed Vall in Paris?

During his press conference in Paris, Colonel Ely Ould Mohamed Vall
made fun of its managed; when it pleads the renewal of the political
scene, it forgets that its independent incarnates the quintessence of
the archaisms of Mauritania; do you believe that one can better do with
waste? The slogan of the next polls should be: "trample the dustbin,
vote nine! "

As usual, the President relativized the existence of slavery in our
country and doubted the mauritanity of our compatriots off-set in
Senegal and Mali. More serious, still, its reaction of scorn to the
protests of the political community, reveals a President of a new style
where dominates the ironic arrogance, even a worrying amount of
"after me the flood".

I do not recognize any more our saver of the first months, the man with
outspokenness generous, often with listening, able to move back, to
amend, point out, with his entourage, the requirements of the mission
of national rehabilitation. New Ely Ould Mohamed Vall, one does not
retain that the dregs of the original; he speaks too much, without
reserve and intends himself to discourse. Admittedly, the transition is
completed soon but it is, there, its most perilous sequence. It
requires humility and a continual expenditure of tact.

Note: Information source: Calame

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