Thanks, Aaron.

To follow up in case someone else has a similar error and comes looking for
the answer, I moved the alignment to a node with more memory and it ran
without a problem. I can't absolutely rule out /tmp but it was probably the

On Thu, Nov 26, 2015 at 6:44 PM, Aaron Darling <>

> Hi Becca, thanks for writing about this and for sending the console
> output. It helps.
> Exit code 137 is fairly generic, indicating the progressiveMauve process
> was killed with signal 9, which is something that can either be done
> manually or by the system I think. Insight here:
> Yes, progressiveMauve uses /tmp. If /tmp is limited you might try pointing
> the software to store temporary files in another location by setting $TMP
> or $TMPDIR .  Apparently this hasn't been working for everybody so I'd
> suggest testing on a small dataset first to confirm that the rawseq* and
> guide tree etc temporary files land in the specified directory before
> launching a long-running alignment.
> It could also be a memory usage issue... you might wrap the call to
> progressiveMauve with /usr/bin/time -v to get a record of the peak memory
> allocation. linuxes will kill processes that consume too much RAM, though
> different kernel versions behave differently in this regard.
> Best,
> -Aaron
> On Wed, 2015-11-25 at 15:20 -0500, Becca Love wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to align three closely-related invertebrate genomes of about
> 275 Mbp using progressiveMauve (console output pasted below). I have
> previously aligned similar genomes, but this time I'm getting an error code
> of 137, which I haven't seen described elsewhere. I have 70G RAM and should
> have sufficient hard drive space, though there could possibly be a conflict
> with large backups being temporarily written to /tmp overnight.
> So my questions are:
> 1.) does error code 137 signify a disk space shortage, and if not,
> 2.) can you give me any other information on this code?
> Thanks,
> Becca
> ##console output:
> trying path ./linux-x64/progressiveMauve
> Running alignment.
> Executing
> progressiveMauve
>     --output=taxon1-taxon2-outgroup
>     --output-guide-tree=taxon1-taxon2-outgroup.guide_tree
>     --backbone-output=taxon1-taxon2-outgroup.backbone
>     /media/labcomp/NGSdata/taxon1.fa
>     /media/labcomp/NGSdata/taxon2.fa
>     /media/labcomp/NGSdata/outgroup.fa
> Storing raw sequence at /tmp/rawseq12032.000
> Sequence loaded successfully.
> /media/labcomp/NGSdata/taxon1.fa 273109044 base pairs.
> Storing raw sequence at /tmp/rawseq12032.001
> Sequence loaded successfully.
> /media/labcomp/NGSdata/taxon2.fa 273109044 base pairs.
> Storing raw sequence at /tmp/rawseq12032.002
> Sequence loaded successfully.
> /media/labcomp/NGSdata/outgroup.fa 283828998 base pairs.
> Using weight 19 mers for initial seeds
> Creating sorted mer list
> Create time was: 48 seconds.
> Creating sorted mer list
> Create time was: 48 seconds.
> Creating sorted mer list
> Create time was: 44 seconds.
> 0%..13%..
> 14%..15%..16%..17%..18%..19%..20%..
> 21%..22%..23%..24%..25%..26%..27%..28%..29%..30%..
> 31%..32%..33%..34%..35%..36%..37%..38%..39%..40%..
> 41%..42%..43%..44%..45%..46%..47%..48%..49%..50%..
> 51%..52%..53%..54%..55%..56%..57%..58%..59%..60%..
> 61%..62%..63%..64%..65%..66%..67%..68%..69%..70%..
> 71%..72%..73%..74%..75%..76%..77%..78%..79%..80%..
> 81%..82%..83%..84%..85%..86%..87%..88%..89%..90%..
> 91%..92%..93%..94%..95%..96%..97%..98%..99%..done.
> using default bp penalty: 196306
> using default bp estimate min score: 588917
> Starting with 9524545 multi-matches
> Computing genome content distance matrix...
> Genome conservation distance matrix:
> 0    0.104825    0.439205
> 0.104825    0    0.441706
> 0.439205    0.441706    0
> Writing guide tree to taxon1-taxon2-outgroup.guide_tree
> reading tree...
> initializing alignment tree...
> Constructing seed occurrence lists for repeat detection
> Calculating pairwise breakpoint distances
> Pair 0, 1 has 327147 initial LCBs
> Using scaled bp penalty: 378169
> Pair (0,1) has 1 well-supported breakpoints
> Pair 0, 2 has 1022274 initial LCBs
> Using scaled bp penalty: 58246.4
> Pair (0,2) has 1791 well-supported breakpoints
> Pair 1, 2 has 1042887 initial LCBs
> Using scaled bp penalty: 57214.3
> Pair (1,2) has 1817 well-supported breakpoints
> genome content distance matrix:
> 0    0.104825    0.439205
> 0.104825    0    0.441706
> 0.439205    0.441706    0
> bp distance matrix:
> 0.9    0.000216867    0.38841
> 0.000216867    0.9    0.394048
> 0.38841    0.394048    0.9
> Aligning...
> Aligning node 3 to 4 via 1!
> get ancestral matches
> Performing Sum-of-pairs Greedy Breakpoint Elimination
> construct LCB tracking matches
> There are 2488444 tracking matches
> There are 4976888 / 12442220 components used
> init tracking match LCB tracking
> pairwise score tracking matches
> get pairwise LCBs
> there are 327509 pairwise LCBs
> scaling bp penalty by conservation weight:
> 0.104825
> scaling bp penalty by bp weight:
> 0.000216867
> Greedy BPE
> Scoring with scaled breakpoint penalty: 126002
> 1%..2%..3%..4%..5%..6%..7%..8%..9%..
> 10%..11%..12%..13%..14%..15%..16%..17%..18%..19%..
> 20%..21%..22%..23%..24%..25%..26%..27%..28%..29%..
> 30%..31%..32%..33%..34%..35%..36%..37%..38%..39%..
> 40%..41%..done
> Arrived at 1 intervals
> Adding unaligned intervals
> addUnalignedIntervals yields 3 intervals
> Merging unaligned intervals
> Marbling gaps
> Propagating descendant breakpoints
> descendant 0(3) has 1 intervals
> descendant 1(4) has 1 intervals
> propagateDescendantBreakpoints yields 1 intervals
> Creating ancestral ordering
> Previous anchoring score: -1.79769e+308, new anchor score: 1.26132e+10
> Backing up alignment tree...
> propagating ancestral breakpoints
> recursive anchor search
> 0,0 have 2 new matches outside LCBs
> 0,0 has an additional 17332 matches
> Restoring backed up alignment tree...
> 1,0 has 17332 pairwise matches
> Performing Sum-of-pairs Greedy Breakpoint Elimination
> construct LCB tracking matches
> There are 2202926 tracking matches
> There are 4405852 / 11014630 components used
> init tracking match LCB tracking
> pairwise score tracking matches
> get pairwise LCBs
> there are 348 pairwise LCBs
> scaling bp penalty by conservation weight:
> 0.104825
> scaling bp penalty by bp weight:
> 0.000216867
> Greedy BPE
> Scoring with scaled breakpoint penalty: 126002
> 1%..2%..3%..4%..5%..6%..7%..8%..9%..
> 10%..11%..12%..13%..14%..15%..16%..17%..18%..19%..
> 20%..21%..22%..23%..24%..25%..26%..27%..28%..29%..
> 30%..31%..32%..33%..34%..35%..36%..37%..38%..39%..
> 40%..41%..42%..43%..44%..45%..46%..47%..48%..49%..
> 50%..51%..52%..53%..54%..55%..56%..57%..58%..59%..
> 60%..61%..62%..63%..done
> Arrived at 3 intervals
> Adding unaligned intervals
> addUnalignedIntervals yields 11 intervals
> Merging unaligned intervals
> Marbling gaps
> Propagating descendant breakpoints
> descendant 0(3) has 1 intervals
> descendant 1(4) has 1 intervals
> propagateDescendantBreakpoints yields 3 intervals
> Creating ancestral ordering
> Previous anchoring score: 1.26132e+10, new anchor score: 1.12416e+10
> propagating ancestral breakpoints
> performing a gapped alignment
> 0%..1%..2%..3%..4%..5%..6%..7%..8%..9%..
> 10%..11%..12%..13%..14%..15%..16%..17%..18%..19%..
> 20%..21%..22%..23%..24%..25%..26%..27%..28%..29%..
> 30%..31%..32%..33%..34%..35%..36%..37%..38%..39%..
> 40%..41%..42%..43%..44%..45%..46%..47%..48%..49%..
> 50%..51%..52%..53%..54%..55%..56%..57%..58%..59%..
> 60%..61%..62%..63%..64%..65%..66%..67%..68%..69%..
> 70%..71%..72%..73%..74%..75%..76%..77%..78%..79%..
> 80%..81%..82%..83%..84%..85%..86%..87%..88%..89%..
> 90%..91%..92%..93%..94%..95%..96%..97%..98%..99%..
> 100%..Fix left ends
> done.
> Aligning node 1 to 2 via 0!
> get ancestral matches
> Performing Sum-of-pairs Greedy Breakpoint Elimination
> construct LCB tracking matches
> There are 3284810 tracking matches
> There are 13008197 / 16424050 components used
> init tracking match LCB tracking
> pairwise score tracking matches
> get pairwise LCBs
> there are 2179961 pairwise LCBs
> scaling bp penalty by conservation weight:
> 0.439205
> 0.441706
> scaling bp penalty by bp weight:
> 0.38841
> 0.394048
> Greedy BPE
> Scoring with scaled breakpoint penalty: 7262.22
> 1%..2%..3%..4%..5%..6%..7%..8%..9%..
> 10%..11%..12%..13%..14%..15%..16%..17%..18%..19%..
> 20%..21%..22%..23%..24%..25%..26%..27%..28%..done
> Arrived at 10742 intervals
> Adding unaligned intervals
> addUnalignedIntervals yields 32131 intervals
> Merging unaligned intervals
> Marbling gaps
> Propagating descendant breakpoints
> descendant 0(1) has 1 intervals
> descendant 1(2) has 1 intervals
> propagateDescendantBreakpoints yields 10742 intervals
> Creating ancestral ordering
> Previous anchoring score: -1.79769e+308, new anchor score: 1.6137e+10
> Backing up alignment tree...
> propagating ancestral breakpoints
> Exited with error code: 137
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> _______________________________________________
> Mauve-users mailing 
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> --
> Aaron E. Darling, Ph.D.
> Associate Professor, ithree institute
> University of Technology Sydney
> Australia
> twitter: @koadman
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