Hi Susan,

On Tue, 2015-12-08 at 20:05 +0000, Susan Beth Fogelson wrote:
> Thank you for all of your helpful responses.  I guess at this point my
> question changes.  I would like to build a phylogenetic tree of this
> alignment and I assume I need to convert the XMFA file to another
> format to complete this task.  Has anyone had experience with file
> conversion and what program would you recommend for phylogenetic tree
> reconstruction?  At present I am using MEGA6 but I think these files
> are too big for that program to run effectively.

There are many ways to build phylogenies from Mauve alignments and
hopefully others on the list will chime in with suggestions. Once you
have an initial tree, you might consider ClonalFrameML as a way to help
reduce the impact of historical recombination events on tree inference:

Aaron E. Darling, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, ithree institute
University of Technology Sydney

twitter: @koadman

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