Hi Enrico, it looks like you may have run the software from the command
line on a machine without an X11 display. Can you confirm?
The java component of Mauve is primarily for visualizing genome
alignments and usually requires a display. If you want to calculate an
genome alignment from the command line I will refer you to the
progressiveMauve tool, which was bundled in your Mauve download:


On Tue, 2016-01-12 at 18:29 +0100, Enrico Tortoli wrote:
> Dear all
> I have downloaded MAUVE and installed it on my PC with Linux (Ubuntu
> 64 bits). Please find attached the report I get when attempting to run
> the software.  
> Is it a problem of Java? Others programs requiring Java don’t seem to
> have problems.
> Thanks for your help
> e
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Aaron E. Darling, Ph.D.
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University of Technology Sydney

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