Hi Annalisa

It isn't unusual for this to run for a week. As long as you aren't getting any errors, it's probably working.


On 06/08/2016 6:29 AM, annalisa giampetruzzi wrote:
Dear Prof. Aaron Darling and Mauve users,
I'm writing to you to ask some questions about the use of

The topic of my work is to do a whole genome phylogeny and analyze (by
ClonalOrigin)  the recombination fluxes on a set of 27 whole genome
sequences of bacteria, but most of them consist of contigs, since they
are still in draft form. So I have installed Mauve in my linux64 server
and I'm trying to launch progressiveMauve on 27 multifasta file.

So the my first question is: Does progressiveMauve works fine on genome
consisting of contigs? or Should I create a concatenamer of contigs in
order to obtain only 27 fasta sequences?

Then most of my genome sequences contain sequence/contigs annotated as
plasmid. About this do you think it is better to run the
progressiveMauve on chromosomes  and on plasmids separately? Which is
your experience?

Actually I have already obtained a core_alignment.xmfa (LCB greater than
100) from my first attempt of running, and now I'm waiting for the
result of Clonalframe (ClonalFrame -x 10000 -y 10000 -z 10
core_alignment.xmfa core_clonalframe.out.1 > cf_stdout.1 &...)
I have launched the jobs 7 days ago but it is still running, so Is it
normal that this job take so many time? How  I could speed up this job?

Thanks if you have the possibility to answer to these my several
Best regards

Dott.ssa Annalisa Giampetruzzi

*Dott.ssa Annalisa Giampetruzzi*

           Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro

           Dipartimento di Scienze del Suolo, della Pianta e degli


           Via Amendola 165/A 70126 BARI

           tel. 0805442538

           fax. 0805443608



           skype giampe79

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