i built a trivial tryout webapp based on what i'm reading in the 
friendbook-jsp example.  lots of undocmented stuff going on in there, but 
mav2 looks tight.  when the docs are out, smiles will be inevitable.

problem is, as in the friendbook-jsp example, when i derive my controller 
from ThrowawayBean, it's populating the bean with this command:


as it turns out, getParameterMap() causes a java.lang.AbstractMethodError 
(whew, ain't never met one of them before!).

my guess is that this is also a Servlet 2.3 thing.  care to dismiss or 

grim evidence is piling up that Maverick is not at all a happy camper in the 
Tomcat 3 forest.

Beautiful Code BV
Rotterdam, The Netherlands

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