Hello to all this is the Captain, Cmdr.Lyur. January 2019.
 I will make a short 'Sit Rep' as a text this time. 
 You may have heard the events unfolding in France and Europe (other countries
 are starting also the yellow vest thing) Very shortly -more will come in 
videos in my channel Golden Starseed Report – my current feeling – and guidance 
– at this time is that we are witnessing an awakening of humans who want to 
liberate themselves from the dominion. It is very well explained by David Icke, 
please watch as many of his videos as you can, and he is talking about a 
'Vibration of Truth' rising on planet Earth at this time. I agree... Naturally 
the elite do NOT agree and are trying to put it down, with little success see 
videos below.
 Last attempt of the Archons to control humans with savage repression worthy of 
the darkest hours of Europe in the 1930's and 1940's:
 With many casualties – 3000 wounded, 98 mutilated for life, 17 young boys and 
girls lost an eye and 4 had a hand exploded in shreds, 64 volontary shots at 
the head while this is forbidden to police to do so, and many arrested and even 
condemned to prison just because of manifesting in the streets – this movment 
for freedom continues and is growing by the day. You can see in one of the 
videos above the tarot card published by the Rothschild's magazine The 
Economist in 2017, showing already the yelow vest movment, as it seems. Please 
understand that this movment is a grass root thing with very good people and 
pure hearts trying to change the whole picture on Earth and abolish the 
'system' of control. So the elite knew in advance, and they are trying to 
manipulate and control this movment for freedom and truth, again with little 
success. You will understand by watching this lecture here :
 Quantum computers as explained by the C.E.O of the company building them, a 
totally psychotic guy : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlRVMNVXm3Q 
 These computers are fully in use nowadays by gougoule, fakebook and the like. 
 So Quantum computers travel in time. If this technology is out for the public 
(sic!) now you'd better believe they are in the hands of the elite since a long 
time, to help them register tendancies in the time line (are they so stupid to 
believe there is only one time line? See stories about the Montauk Experiment) 
and so to be able to change events along the time line, even to built a fake 
time line to suit their nefarious plans. All this is explained in my series of 
videos on the fake time line. Please watch all videos and share, make them 
known, they have very little hits :
 yes there are 10 parts, please watch them all and share all the way to the 
last one :
 I explain in my videos about the Universal Law of Free Will that states that 
you cannot control or take any life forms as slaves without the consent ot 
these. Humans have consented to this for a long time thru many systems, the 
religious system being one of the best, but now it is required, by 'higher 
laws' that humans at this time have to be fully conscious and vote specifically 
to accept to be slaves of the Archons. (explanations about the Archons are 
found in great details in David Icke's videos) 
 Such vote was given in France in 2017 – since the so-called elected president 
was known as a Rothschild agent and designated at the Bilberberg meeting of 
2014 – But now a good number of people in France are taking back this consent 
and want to be free. 
 Please remember that the Archons and their puppets hybrids, know this law very 
well and have to apply it as well.
 A very important point here : our Inter-Galactic Fleet of the Galactic 
Confederation of Free Worlds cannot – and will not – intervene without the Law 
of Free Will fully applied on Earth. This means that humans of Earth have to 
choose freedom and higher consciousness, or to agree to remain – this 
publically stated now – slaves of the Archons. This will be concluded by the 
separation of the worlds (christians call it the separation of the wheat from 
the schaff) and a % of humans could then move into the 5th dimension with the 
planet. Please watch my video :
 I will conclude by now this little Sit Rep (situation report). At this time I 
need help to make known my YouTube channel Golden Starseed Report as much as 
 I also need support for this in green energy, first to be able to buy a better 
camera that could have a good microphone plugged to it – my first price Canon 
camera cannot do, that explains interferences in the sound from wind and such 
-. I also need at this time help to get another better used car, mine is too 
old and going too much in repairs now. You can provide help with my Paypal 
account : martineindigo...@orange.fr mailto:martineindigo...@orange.fr or by 
snail mail with a bank check, or with Western Union, in that case I will 
receive a code to my mail ulve...@gmail.com mailto:ulve...@gmail.com and I can 
get money in any Post office near by me. Address to use : Jean Michel Surmely, 
 7 rue du Pountarrou, 11140 Artigues, FRANCE.
 Bless the Universe in each of you. See you in my channel Golden starseed 
Report !
 Golden Love. Captain.
 Must see revelations about the use of micro-wave towers for the control of 
humans included 'new age' people : 


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