
Kata2 yang diucapkan *Aafia Siddiqui  saat menembak tidaklah menunjukan
bahwa terdapat permusuhan agama.
Mungkin tepatnya permusuhan manusia..

Kalau cara berfikir anda seperti itu maka, dapat disimpulkan :
Amitaba Jedeer... (Permusuhan agama Budha)
Haleluya Jedeer.. (Permusuhan agama Kristen)
Allahu Akbar Jedeer.. (Permusuhan agama Islam)

Jadi kesimpulan yang anda ambil berarti, permusuhan antar agama Islam dengan
agama Amerika..
Hehe.. Kesimpulan yang aneh...

Amerika itu bukan agama lho..
Itu negara...

On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 12:00 PM, bhirawa moerdaya <

>    [image: Aafia Siddiqui in Afghanistan after her capture last month; the
> mother of three was once married to nephew of 9/11 mastermind.]
> *Aafia Siddiqui in Afghanistan after her capture last month; the mother of
> three was once married to nephew of 9/11 mastermind.*
> **
> *When she set upon the 
> **U.S.*<>
> * agents who were questioning her after her capture, she grabbed a
> soldier's M-4 rifle and tried to shoot him while yelling "Allah Akbar!" or
> "God is great!" She also said that she wanted to kill Americans.*
> Bisakah perdamaian antar agama diwujudkan di muka bumi ini?
> salam,
> bhirawa_m
> penganut buddhisme

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