Memang dunia  Islam , teristiomewa dunia Arab mengharapkan terjadinya revolusi 
secepatnya di Turki , dengan penghacuran tentaranya yang pro Barat( EU) dan 
penghhancuran patung2 Kemal Aturk bapak bangsa Turki.
Wal Suparmo

--- Pada Sen, 21/6/10, H. M. Nur Abdurahman <> 

Dari: H. M. Nur Abdurahman <>
Judul: [Mayapada Prana] Pantulan <= [wanita-muslimah] Don't Think About Turkey
Tanggal: Senin, 21 Juni, 2010, 11:49 AM


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Erdogan itu macan tidak bakal mau jadí ayam
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Macan tidak bakal mau jadí ayam, ini pepatah kuno asal dari Yemen. Pernah ente 
melihat manusia mengejar-ngejar MACAN untuk dipotong dan dimakan dagingnya?, 
kalau AYAM sih,,,  banyak .
Erdogan berpolitk sangat hati-hati dgn sekulerisme Kemalis yg ketat (seperti 
diketahui militer Turki dikontrol/dikuasai oleh Kemalis) , sehingga Erdogan  
tidak bisa secara frontal berbalik  ke Syari'at Islam .Dia berusaha menghapus 
sekulerisme yg kuat di Turki secara bertahap , saat ini mulai kelihatan ,, 
jajaran militer mereka sangatlah kuat bercokolnya sekulerisme ini yg harus di 
hapus bertahap terlebih dahulu. Di depan Turki adalah Eropa dan persatuan NATO 
sudah mulai kropos karena komunisme sudah tidak ada lagi , musuh baru dibuat 
yaitu Islam menurut doktrin Huntington. Erdogan sudah mencium aroma  
''penolakan' ', sebelum Eroupa menolak masuknya Turki ke Kominitas Eropa 
Bersama, bahwa Turki tidak bakal dikasih masuk Eropa karena ada Islamnya yg 
tidak bisa ''bobol'' walaupun sudah puluhan tahun dbawah kekuasaan ATATURK asal 
keturunan Yahudi dunamah, Islmanya di Turki tertutup kabut tipis sekulerismenya 
sendiri , tapi baru berhasil setelah Erdogan
 naik dan dengan sangat hati hati setapak demi setapak ,'' macan'' kalau 
merindik bukankah pelan dulu.
Pemipin-pemimpin negara Islam yg di dunia lainnya sudah ''dikebiri'' . Kalau 
Indonesia masih banyak yang gampang di ''beli'' atau di-''sewa'' aparat 
negaranya dengan alat bayar "neo-lib" , untuk memuaskan si pembeli Indonesia 
menjual bangsanya , sedang rakyatnya sebagian banyak tidak setuju , tetapi 
belum berdaya karena keteguhan ''iman'' dan taqwa belum menyeluruh di 
masyarakat. Kalau Tunnsia yang juga diuasai oleh sekularist, gerakan Islam 
belum kelihatan, masih aktif dibawah tanah, untuk mengembalikan ''daulah 
islamiyah. Di Aljazair FIS(#) telah dipatahkan oleh rezim militer yang 
disupport Amerika Serikat.

Partainya Erdogan bisa menang dalam Pemilu, karena sudah puluhan tahun 
membangun keimanan didalam dada pengikut-pengikutny a dgn madrasah-madrasah yg 
tersebar diseluruh Turki tanpa disadari oleh  sekuleris Kemalis. . Dengan 
pengalaman-pengalam an saudaranya di negeri-negeri Islam itu, Erdogan mengambil 
langkah lain , sabar. setahap  demi setahap
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[Kolom Tetap Harian Fajar]
303 KTT OKI Mengutuk Terrorisme dan Hubungannya dengan FIS di Aljazair

Lima  puluh  lima negara anggota Organisasi  Konfrensi  Islam (OKI)  yang 
mengakhiri Konfrensi Tingkat Tinggi (KTT) tanggal  11 Desember  1997 di Teheran 
terdiri atas dua kelompok, yaitu  garis keras dan moderat. Yang membesarkan 
hati ialah walaupun  terdapat perbedaan sikap tersebut, KTT itu dijiwai oleh 
semangat persatuan dalam  Islam.  Hampir semua peserta  dalam  pidatonya  
membacakan Firman Allah:

-- Wa'thasimuw  biHabli Llahi Jamiy'an waLa- Tafarraquw (S.  Ali 'Imra-n,  
-- berpegang teguhlah kamu sekalian  kepada  tali Allah dan janganlah kamu 
berpecah belah.

Ada  pula segi yang menarik, yaitu negara-negara  Islam  yang tergolong  dalam 
garis keras ada beberapa di  antaranya  mendapat predikat  dari  Amerika 
Serikat sebagai  negara-negara  penyokong kelompok-kelompok  terorist. KTT OKI 
itu dengan  tegas  membantah Amerika  Serikat,  yakni konfrensi di Teheran  
itu  dengan  tegas mengutuk  terorisme dalam segala bentuk dan  
pelaksanaannya.  KTT tersebut juga menegaskan kembali komitmen OKI bagi  
undang-undang untuk  memerangi  terorisme  yang  disahkan  dalam  KTT  OKI   di 
Casablanca  tahun  1994  yang  menyerukan  pula   penyelenggaraan konfrensi  
internasional mengenai terorisme di  bawah  pengawasan PBB.

Sehubungan  dengan  itu akan disorot pemberitaan  selama  ini mengenai  
tuduhan  atas  FIS  (Front  Islamique  du  Salut)  yang menteror  dan membantai 
warga sipil di Aljazair tidak  terkecuali terhadap  perempuan dan anak-anak, 
bahkan diberitakan pula  telah menggorok  leher  tujuh pelaut Italia yang 
kapalnya  berlabuh  di pelabuhan  Jenjen Aljazair. Tuduhan terhadap FIS 
sebagai  teroris yang kejam itu sangat merusak citra Islam.

Golongan  Islam yang membentuk kekuatan politik  dalam  wadah Front Islamique 
du Salut, yang menempuh cara demokratis,  menjadi salah satu kontestan pada 
Pemilu tahun 1992, dicap fundamentalis. Sebenarnya  istilah fundamentalis ini 
pengertiannya sangat  baik, yaitu  Ahlu sSunnah. Tetapi dalam lapangan politik  
internasional istilah  ini  telah  mempunyai konotasi  yang  khas,  yaitu  suka 
menempuh  cara  kekerasan. Kalaupun pada  akhirnya  kelompok  ini terlibat 
dalam kekerasan dan pertumpahan darah, itu karena  lebih dahulu  dikerasi dan 
dizalimi oleh rejim militer.  Karena  Pemilu permulaan  FIS menang mayoritas, 
maka Pemilu lanjutan  dibatalkan kemudian  FIS dibubarkan oleh rejim militer. 
Kalau  akhirnya  FIS terpaksa  angkat  senjata melawan rejim militer itu,  
apakah  itu salah? Semutpun kalau diinjak, niscaya menggigit.
Amerika  Serikat yang begitu menggemborkan  dirinya  pahlawan demokrasi,  
bungkam,  bahkan  bersikap  menyokong  rejim  militer Aljazair,  yang 
mentorpedo hasil dan proses lanjutan Pemilu  itu. Mengapa? Amerika sedang 
risau. Iran potensial bakal  menggantikan kedudukan  mantan  Uni  Sovyet  
untuk  menantang,  menjadi  rival Amerika.  Ambisi  Amerika untuk menjadi 
negara  adidaya  tunggal, menjadi  polisi dunia, bakal mendapat hambatan,  
gangguan  bahkan ancaman  dari  Iran.  Ini membentuk  sikap  Amerika  
berprasangka kepada setiap gerakan Islam (doktrin Huntington) tidak terkecuali 
di Aljazair.

Hanya   saja  perlawanan  bersenjata  FIS   itu   diberitakan membantai  
perempuan  dan  anak-anak,  menggorok  pelaut  Italia, menterror, itu merusak 
citra Islam. Kalau pemberitaan itu  benar, maka  FIS itu termasuk pula dalam 
golongan yang dikutuk oleh  KTT OKI di Teheran itu. Namun  kata pepatah: 
Sepandai-pandai membungkus  barang  yang busuk akhirnya berbau juga. Tokoh 
partai-partai Islam di Aljazair akhirnya mulai dapat melepaskan diri dari 
tuduhan perbuatan teror itu.  Investigasi  sejumlah media  Inggris  berhasil  
mendapatkan bukti  bahwa  elemen-elemen dalam tubuh rejim  yang  berkuasa  di 
Aljazair  bertanggung- jawab  atas  tewasnya  ribuan  warga  sipil termasuk  
wanita  dan  anak-anak serta  penggorokan  leher  tujuh pelaut Italia, yang 
dikambing-hitamkan selama ini atas FIS.

Tidak  kurang  60.000 jiwa termasuk perempuan  dan  anak-anak yang  melayang  
sejak  Jenderal Muhammad  Lamari  melakukan  aksi militer  untuk  membatalkan 
Pemilu Aljazair tahun  1992  tersebut yang  nyaris  dimenangkan oleh FIS. Di 
antara mereka  yang  tewas terdapat 70 orang wartawan yang semuanya mati secara 
mengenaskan. Setiap  insiden berdarah rejim berkuasa di  Aljazair  melemparkan 
tuduhan  FIS  berada  di belakangnya. Tuduhan  itu  tanpa  kritis disiarkan  
media  massa  internasional.  Namun  kebenaran   tidak menunggu  hingga Hari 
Pengadilan sesudah kiamat.  Sepandai-pandai tupai  melompat  akhirnya  jatuh 
jua. Masih di  dunia  ini  rejim berkuasa  di Aljazair tidak dapat mencuci 
tangannya dari  lumuran darah rakyatnya.

Bungkusan yang berbau busuk ini berhasil dibongkar oleh  para wartawan  Inggris 
secara terpisah, yaitu Robert Fisk dari  harian Independent,  John Sweeney dari 
The Observer, Anthony Loyds  dari The Times dan Sairah Shah dari TV Channel 
Four. Hasil investigasi dari  para  wartawan  tersebut  berhasil  membongkar   
sebahagian kejahatan Jenderal M.Lamari, pejabar rejim militer Aljazair.

The Observer edisi Ahad, 16 November 1997 menurunkan wawancara eksklusif   
dengan  seorang  bekas  anggota   intelejen   bernama "Joseph"   yang  mengaku  
berpartisipasi  aktif  dalam   sejumlah pembunuhan. Karena begitu takutnya ia 
lari ke London setelah hati nuraninya  tidak  tahan lagi untuk melaksanakan  
tugas  membantai sesama  warga  Aljazair sendiri dan melaksanakan  aksi  
terorisme internasional.  Dialah yang melaksanakan aksi pemboman  di  Paris 
serta menggorok leher tujuh pelaut Italia itu.

Pengakuan "Joseph" ini diperkuat pula oleh agen rahasia  lain bernama "Hakim" 
yang diwawancarai oleh harian Le Monde di  Paris. Akibatnya  di ibu kota 
Prancis itu digelas  demonstrasi  terbesar selama 20 tahun terakhir ini di 
Paris yang menuntut "Hakim"  yang didalangi  oleh  Jenderal M.Mediani dengan  
panggilan  rahasianya "Tawfiq".  Pemboman  di Paris dan penggorokan pelaut  
Italia  itu menimbulkan  krisis diplomatik antara Italia dan Prancis di  satu 
pihak dengan Aljazair pada pihak yang lain.

Wahai  rejim  militer  Aljazair!  Sepandai-pandai  membungkus barang  yang  
busuk akhirnya berbau juga.  Sepandai-pandai  tupai melompat  akhirnya  jatuh  
jua. Di dunia  ini  telah  terbongkar, apatah pula di Hari Pengadilan kelak. 
WaLla-hu a'lamu  bishshawa-b.

*** Makassar, 21 Desember 1997
    [H.Muh.Nur Abdurrahman]
http://waii- hmna.blogspot. com/1997/ 12/303-ktt- oki-mengutuk- terrorisme- 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "sunny" <am...@tele2. se>
To: <Undisclosed- Recipient: ;>
Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 05:59
Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Don't Think About Turkey
http://www.aawsat. com/english/ news.asp? section=2&id=21341

Don't Think About Turkey

By Mshari Al-Zaydi

Ever since a detachment of Israeli troops stormed the Turkish aid ship the Mavi 
Marmara that was part of the Freedom Flotilla bound for Gaza, and which 
resulted in Israeli troops killing a number of activists, dozens of newspaper 
articles and television talk shows in the Arab world have followed up on this 

I studied a portion of this media response, the majority of which went down the 
path of weeping and wailing and insulting Israel and insulting those who failed 
to insult Israel. Some newspapers and writers even began a "witch hunt" against 
those who dealt with this issue and analyzed it with calmness and composure. 

The argument was that some people did not sufficiently support the Freedom 
Flotilla and those on board, and did not completely and unequivocally take 
their side, as if everybody who is involved in the profession of writing should 
have dropped everything to become a weeping protestor, or even take up arms 
[against Israel]. This is despite the fact that we have indeed been doing this 
for almost a century. 

Personally, I did not write about Gaza and the Freedom Flotilla crisis because 
of urgent concerns, however this has given me an opportunity to reflect upon 
what has been written in the press and stated on our television screens about 
what happened.

In order not to be misunderstood - as usual - I would like to first say that 
the debate is not about the moral description of Israel's actions. This was a 
crime, nothing less, and I do not think that anybody with any conscience could 
disagree with this description. 

There is also nothing wrong - in fact it is perfectly natural - for people to 
protest in solidarity with the victims of this crime, and against its 
perpetrators. This is normal human behavior and a spontaneous response. The 
media outlets that covered this response were obligated to do so as part of 
their professional duty, namely to report and comment on news stories, and this 
is something that is carried out by all media outlets around the world. 

There is nothing to worry about even if some "opinion" articles echo these 
protestors and their anger, especially as we are generally known to belong to 
an emotional and expressive culture in which resounding rhetoric plays an 
important role. In fact, some people look upon writing as a kind of general 

The problem starts when some writers grow annoyed at our attempts to analyze 
and question the reasons behind the recent Turkish behaviour, and the behaviour 
of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. For example, there was 
Erdogan's walk-out at the World Economic Forum in Davos more than a year ago 
following an angry exchange with Israeli President Shimon Peres, and he has 
also made repeated references to Turkey's greatness and its new regional role. 
Erdogan has also publicly acknowledged his country's relationship with the 
Hamas organization and others, opposed international sanctions against Iran, 
and cooperated - along with Brazilian President [Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva] - 
with Iran to this effect, not to mention the Freedom Flotilla and Erdogan's - 
carefully planned, of course - inflammatory speech against Israel.

All of this represents a new shift in Turkey's foreign policy; however on 
closer look this shift is not completely new. Secular Turkish officials have 
been issuing statements in support of the Palestinian Cause since 1967, as the 
writer Adel al-Turaifi explained in an analytical article on Turkey's 
transformation published by Asharq Al-Awsat last Wednesday. In this article, 
al-Turaifi said that Erdogan's use of Palestinian issues as a means to exert 
international pressure for Turkish policies represents something new. 

This represents a startling transformation in a pivotal country that represents 
one of the pillars in the Middle East, and which has an important historical 
and political heritage, as well as economic strength, and strategic importance 
to the US and the West. In that case, wouldn't such a transformation call for 
careful analysis and examination, or should we just blindly applaud Erdogan for 
fear of being branded apathetic or traitors? 

The duty of any writer is to think outside of the box, to turn things over in 
his mind and try to view the situation from a different angle, this is not out 
of a love for going against the "mainstream" but out of a desire to see the 
bigger picture, rather than just one corner of the picture that only reveals a 
fragment of the truth. 

Is Turkey's Ottoman history behind Ankara's current shift in foreign policy or 
is this motivated by a desire to spite Europe for its reluctance to admit 
Turkey into the European Union?

Is this new foreign policy stimulated by Turkey's perception of Iran's 
political isolation and the Arab's weak presence and Ankara's resultant fear of 
the imbalance of powers in the Middle East which has caused it to step forward 
to bridge this gap?

Or perhaps Turkey's new foreign policy is economically motivated? 

Given that Turkey is a constitutionally secular state, a member of NATO, and a 
strategic European and American ally, and that there is a large US military 
base in Turkey, and that Ankara enjoys military and security cooperation with 
Israel and follows a moderate form of Islam, supports the two-state solution, 
and is against military action by militant groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah, 
could Turkey be acting with the consent of the US and some Arab countries in 
order to reduce the Iranian role in the region and take over championship of 
the Arab street from Tehran? 

In short, isn't it true that Turkey is a country whose mode of struggle is 
comfortable [for the West] whereas Iran is a state without borders, a 
constitution, or ideological boundaries? 

Other assumptions must be carefully examined and analyzed in order to try and 
understand why Turkey is doing what it is doing under Erdogan's leadership. 

Is Erdogan a fraudulent Islamist or a Turkish nationalist with an Islamic 

Or are we truly seeing a new version of Islamism that has risen under special 
circumstances, namely almost a century in post-Kemalist Turkey?

Does Erdogan represent a new type of Muslim politician, one that combines Sufi 
intensity, political activism, and national patriotism? 

Or is he nothing more than a man seeking fame and fortune? 

Is Erdogan a new Ottoman Caliph, or a Turkish General who secretly despises the 
Arabs, or something completely different?

Or is he nothing more than a man acting within the borders of the new Turkish 
regional role? 

More questions than answers, however those who specialise in Turkish affairs 
and who have observed the situation in the country in the past are able to 
answer such questions, and it would be far better if we looked for these 
answers and examined them rather than mindlessly protesting. 

The problem is that such vicious campaigns that accuse anybody who tries to 
think carefully in the heat of battle of treason is something that is recurrent 
in our Arab media, from the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah war, to the recent Gaza War, 
and now the Freedom Flotilla. Prior to all of this, there were the numerous 
wars waged by Saddam Hussein, and before that anybody who dared to criticize 
[Egyptian President] Gamal Abdel Nasser prior to the 1967 [Six Day war] defeat 
was branded as a traitorous devil. This same response and frenzy is something 
that has always remained the same, and this causes one to wonder; does the Arab 
mentality suffer from a collective and deep-seated neurosis, even amongst those 
who seem to be calm and wise?

Ironically, some Arab intellectuals who are known for their revolutionary 
dispositions like Kuwaiti Islamist and political sciences professor Dr. 
Abdullah al Nafaisi takes up positions that are not shared by the mainstream. 
Dr. al Nafaisi recently gave a lecture at a forum organized by the Kuwaiti 
Bureau of National Unity in which he said, "The most dangerous thing about 
politics is that it is dealt with emotionally, as can be seen with the emotion 
and publicity towards Turkey and Erdogan." This is something that can also be 
seen in a position taken by the spiritual father of the Nursi movement in 
Turkey, Fetullah Gulen, who criticized the way that the Turkish government 
handled the Gaza-bound Freedom Flotilla, arguing that the Freedom Flotilla 
should have worked to obtain Israeli consent before travelling to Gaza rather 
than challenging Israel.

It is hard to accuse al Nafaisi or Gulen of giving in to the West or committing 
treason, despite their views that go against the mainstream. We do not know how 
those who love to accuse others of treason would react to the statements made 
by al Nafaisi or Gulen, unless of course they already set their sights on a 
particular target.

In any case, what has been said in this article is not debate or analysis on 
the latest Turkish positions, but rather this is a quick analysis of the 
position taken up by some Arab figures that have grown annoyed and exasperated 
at our attempts to understand and analyze Turkey's recent behavior

I fear that the day will come when the profession of thinking will become a 
crime, as this is something that disturbs the noisy mainstream.

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