Hello everyone,

Only two weeks until the English speaking EngageU conference. Already over 90 
attendees signed up including Monkeybread Software, so we look forward to meet 
you all there. Recently Claris decided to join with their staff and feature a 
keynote presentation with Brad Freitag and Robert Holsey. Let's see what they 
have to say about FileMaker and Claris product lines.

EngageU - FileMaker Conference in Malmö
13th - 15th of November 2022, Malmö, Sweden

A new FileMaker conference for Europe will be held in Malmö at the end of the 
year. The English-language conference is organized by SquareMoon and ClickWorx, 
with support from Claris.

The conference will be held in Malmö, Sweden, November 13-15, 2022. The 
conference language is English. The target audience is FileMaker developers 
from across Europe and beyond. More information can be found on the website.

Please join the conference to make it the biggest one ever in Europe!
And it's great reason for people from all around the world to do a business 
trip to see Sweden (and nearby Denmark). If you plan your trip, the 
international airport to use is Copenhagen in Denmark and from there a 20 
minute train to Malmö central station. 

Best regards,

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