Works well, thanks!

And sorry, Christian, F8 is 100 (&h64) on Windows too.
&h77 (119) is "End" key.

Jean-Luc Arnaud

Le 09/01/2015 11:30, Marnaud a écrit :
> Le 9 janv. 2015 à 11:19, Jean-Luc Arnaud <> a écrit:
>> Yes, of course!
>> Your help is greatly appreciated.
>> May I know where these codes could be found? In the future, I could need
>> codes for other functions keys.
>> Many thanks.
> Well, some years ago, I made my own app for that. On a window, put a listbox 
> with 3 columns and an heading (“Key code”, “Key” and “Key ascii”) and a timer 
> (period=1, mode=2). In the open event (in my example, in the window), have 
> this:
>    dim i As integer
>    dim s As String
>    //Fill the list with every key (for searching manually):
>    for i=0 to 127 //Cover all standard keys on the keyboard
>      ListMain.AddRow str(i)
>      s=Keyboard.KeyName(i)
>      ListMain.Cell(i,1)=s
>      if len(s)=1 then //That key produces a character, so it's ASCII value is 
> known
>        ListMain.Cell(i,2)=str(asc(s))
>      else //For other keys (backspace, tab, etc.), (1) it's better to know 
> its key code (sending the ASCII value has no sense) and (2), it would mean 
> rewriting.
>        ListMain.Cell(i,2)="?"
>      end if
>    Next
> In the timer.Action:
>    dim i As integer
>    dim j As integer
>    //Check which keys are pressed (would fail if the key is pressed way too 
> fast, but will that happen?)
>    for i=0 to 126
>      if Keyboard.AsyncKeyDown(i) then
>        j=FindKeycode(i) //See below; looks for the entry of “i” in the list 
> (it would be odd it's not in the list)
>        if j=-1 then //Well, it's not in the list (?) so add it
>          ListMain.AddRow str(i)
>          j=ListMain.ListCount-1
>          ListMain.Cell(j,1)=Keyboard.KeyName(i)
>          ListMain.Cell(j,2)=str(asc(Keyboard.KeyName(i)))
>        end if
>        ListMain.ListIndex=j //Select the corresponding row
>        do
>          if not Keyboard.AsyncKeyDown(i) then Exit //Wait until the key is 
> freed
>        Loop
>      end if
>    Next
> Function FindKeycode(KeyCode As integer) As integer
>    dim i As integer
>    if ListMain.ListCount=0 then Return -1
>    for i=0 to ListMain.ListCount-1
>      if ListMain.Cell(i,0)=str(KeyCode) then Return i
>    Next
>    Return -1
> End Function
> (I could send you the project or app, but it's more complicated; tell me if 
> you found something to improve).
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