Well, can you send struct stat st_mode field for
this objects? Does this has own macros ala S_ISLNK
in stat.h?

># ls -la /etc | grep '^D'
>Dr--r--r--   1 root     root           0 Sep 25 12:49
>Drw-r--r--   1 root     root           0 Sep 25 12:49
>This causes a parse error.
>man ls
>    The mode printed under the -l option consists of
ten charac-
>     ters. The first character may be one of the
>     d         the entry is a directory;
>     D         the entry is a door;
>     l         the entry is a symbolic link;
>     -F        Mark directories with a trailing slash
(/),  doors
>               with  a trailing greater-than sign (>),
>               files with a trailing asterisk (*),
FIFOs  with  a
>               trailing  vertical  bar (|), symbolic
links with a
>               trailing at-sign (@), and AF_UNIX 
address  family
>               sockets with a trailing equals sign (=).
>man door_info
>Miscellaneous Library Functions                    
>     door_info  -  return  information  associated 
with  a  door
>     descriptor
>     cc  [ flag ... ] file ... -ldoor [ library ... ]
>     #include <door.h>
>     int door_info(int d, struct door_info *info);
>     The  door_info()  function  returns  information 
>     with  a  door  descriptor.  It obtains information
about the
>     door  descriptor  d  and  places  the 
information  that  is
>     relevant to the door in the structure pointed to
by the info
>     argument.
>     The structure pointed to by the info argument 
contains  the
>     following members:
>     pid_t           di_target;      /* door server pid
>     door_ptr_t      di_proc;        /* server function
>     door_ptr_t      di_data;        /* data cookie for
invocation */
>     door_attr_t     di_attributes;  /* door attributes
>     door_id_t       di_uniquifier;  /* unique id among
all doors */
>     The di_target member is the process ID of the 
door  server,
>     or -1 if the door server process has exited.
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