Hi, Matthias!

> I've looked into the sources of the Midnight Commander and I have found
> the following in the file edit.c, line 2704+, function user_edit():
> ---
> if (!rc) {
>     edit_cursor_to_bol (edit); 
>     edit_insert_file (edit, block_file);
>     edit_cursor_to_eol (edit); 
> }

Maybe it was meant to save a few keystrokes when inserting constructs like 
while into C and Perl programs.  Maybe somebody was on crack :-)

I've just removed both edit_cursor_to_bol and edit_cursor_to_eol from that 
file.  Thank you for reporting the problem!

> A last thing: What do you think about `word completion' within the
> editor? That would be a very cool feature. And is there a 'redo'
> anywhere? The `undo' is very important for me and a `redo' would it be,
> too.

I'm affraid that all those cool features won't appear in MC unless you
implement it and do it very cleanly, documenting every change.  You are
probably wrong if you think that this list if full of talented programmers
with a lot of free time just waiting for cool ideas.

Pavel Roskin

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