Thanks for looking at these things. Let me give you some help:

>Subject: Re: Web editing with mc
> > It would be nice to have this as a standard filter in the editor
> > (edit.indent.rc), sort of:
> >
> > htm|html|HTM|HTML)
> > #
> > tidy -m -ascii -wrap 80 -f "tidy-$1.log"
> "$2"
> > ;;
> tidy uses stderr too much, and mc cannot handle it right yet. Right now,
> stderr is added to the edited file. Using "-f" would create
> extra files,
> which is not how external formatting is intended to work.
> I cannot apply this patch before stderr handling is fixed.

It's good to have the entry back as I lost it with one of the snapshots. You're right that tidy throws a lot of things to stderr. It can be sent to /dev/null, but I use to keep them as a log file err.txt. If the HTML code is too bad the fixing done may be worse and it's better to ignore changes. I weakly remember that mcedit was checking stderr instead of the returned value to check for errors, so some redirection is needed. We need a compromise to keep the error messages and to let mcedit know that the filter succeded. I don't know if we could afford a small stub script.

I'm going now to look for the original posting.

Anyway, I'm not pressing you just before the release.

>Also the purpose of "-acsii" is unclear.

No, it isn't. Charset used should go in the section, but some browsers may get confused. It's a good thing to change even 8859-1 chars to ascii using &name; things. Tidy does this for you with -ascii.

-m makes all tags lowercase as standardised in XHTML (... :)

> --
> Regards,
> Pavel Roskin

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