Hi. I've spend some more time examining and testing extfs scripts, because I feel a lot more confortable with simple scripts than with complicated mc code :)
My results can be found in the attachment. If you have any comments, feel free to mail me. I'll try to update this list when something gets fixed. I think broken scripts could be fixed until next stable release, and I'm willing to spend my time to work on the issues I've found. Pavel, could you review my uzoo and urar fixes (earlier in this thread), please? Tell me which modifications you think are useful, and which are not, so I won't waste my time on things you don't like. Regards -- _.|._ |_ _. : Adam Byrtek, alpha@(irc.pl|debian.org) (_|||_)| |(_| : gg 1802819, pgp 0xB25952C0 | : jid alpha.jabberpl.org
a (mtools) --------- ok apt --- list - 'could not parse' error (looks like simple to fix) rest - not tested audio --- list - ok copyout - should set cdparanoia to quiet mode (now it prints to stderr even when ripping was ok) 'fixme' by pavel, looks simple to do bpp --- could not test deb --- works ok somebody should 'mv deb.in deb' - because deb.in doesn't use any autoconf variables deba, debd, dpkg --------------- don't work to be examined deeper ftplist ------- list: 'could not parse' error hp48 --- could not test lslR --- list: 'could not parse' error mailfs --- list: wrong 'file size' copyout: ok, but with f3 some mails are being trimmed (strange): >From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tue Nov 19 09:34:25 2002 Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Delivered- patchfs --- useless. i've modified it to work with unified diffs and it looks good (there are some problems with context diffs) rpm --- ok rpms --- 'error: cannot open Packages index using db3 - No such file or directory (2)' (btw what's the purpose of this extfs?) trpm --- list: multiple errors (btw what's the purpose of this extfs?) uar --- ok uarj --- not tested ucpio --- ok uha --- not tested ulha --- ok uzip --- ok urar, uzoo --- fixed by me