I was playing with option.c and ran across this tiny
bug. If you change PANEL_OPTIONS the dialog doesn't
display properly anymore. Atached is the diff to make
it work and be consistent with the way OTHER_OPTIONS
is handled also.

--- mc-cvs-4.6.0-030207/src/option.c    Sat Dec  7 20:16:30 2002
+++ mc-draft-4.6.0-030207/src/option.c  Sun Feb  9 11:16:02 2003
@@ -229,7 +230,7 @@
     /* Add checkboxes for "panel options" */
     for (i = 0; i < PANEL_OPTIONS; i++) {
        check_options[i + OTHER_OPTIONS].widget =
-           check_new (PY + (6 - i), PX + 2, XTRACT (i + OTHER_OPTIONS));
+           check_new (PY + (PANEL_OPTIONS - i), PX + 2, XTRACT (i + OTHER_OPTIONS));
        add_widget (conf_dlg, check_options[i + OTHER_OPTIONS].widget);

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