On Fri, Jan 21, 2005 at 02:21:51AM +0500, Pavel S. Shirshov wrote:
Hi Pavel + mc-devel,

>   I have just tagged the mc repository with MC_4_6_1_pre3
>   Please test. http://pavelsh.pp.ru/mc/mc-4.6.1-pre3.tar.gz
>   or
>   cvs -z3 -d:ext:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/mc co -rMC_4_6_1_pre3 mc
I have recently express my intention to adopt mc for Debian GNU/Linux
(ITA) and, in this efford Ludovic Drolez (in Cc), has joined me.

We are about to release a mc-4.6.1-pre3 deb. We also intend to include as
many bug fixes as possible in this pre-release, so in a close future we
intend to submit the our work (patches for Debian) to you attention.

The pending bugs in Debian are more that 100 [0], so there will be a lot
to do. We will keep you informed and up to date.



[0] http://packages.qa.debian.org/m/mc.html
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