Hello, Roland!

This patch fixes "too many arguments for format" warning and eliminates
g_string_*() at all.

Andrew V. Samoilov

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        * ext.c (regex_command): Eliminate g_string_*().

--- ext.c~      Mon Feb  7 09:29:42 2005
+++ ext.c       Mon Feb  7 15:50:27 2005
@@ -461,35 +461,27 @@ regex_command (const char *filename, con
                    home_error = 1;
                    goto check_stock_mc_ext;
                } else {
-                   GString *msg1 = g_string_new (NULL);
-                   GString *msg2 = g_string_new (NULL);
-                   g_string_sprintf (msg1, _(" %s%s file error"),
-                       mc_home, MC_LIB_EXT);
-                   g_string_sprintf (msg2, _("The format of the %smc.ext "
+                   char *title =
+                       g_strdup_printf (_(" %s%s file error"),
+                           mc_home, MC_LIB_EXT);
+                   message (1, title, _("The format of the %smc.ext "
                        "file has changed with version 3.0.  It seems that "
                        "the installation failed.  Please fetch a fresh "
                        "copy from the Midnight Commander package."),
-                   message (1, msg1->str, "%s", msg2->str);
-                   g_string_free (msg1, TRUE);
-                   g_string_free (msg2, TRUE);
+                   g_free (title);
                    return 0;
        if (home_error) {
-           GString *title = g_string_new (NULL);
-           GString *text = g_string_new (NULL);
-           g_string_sprintf (title, _(" ~/%s file error "), MC_USER_EXT);
-           g_string_sprintf (text, _("The format of the ~/%s file has "
+           char *title =
+               g_strdup_printf (_(" ~/%s file error "), MC_USER_EXT);
+           message (1, title, _("The format of the ~/%s file has "
                "changed with version 3.0.  You may either want to copy "
                "it from %smc.ext of use that file as an example of how "
-               "to write it."), MC_USER_EXT, mc_home, mc_home);
-           message (1, title->str, "%s", text->str);
-           g_string_free (title, TRUE);
-           g_string_free (text, TRUE);
+               "to write it."), MC_USER_EXT, mc_home);
+           g_free (title);
     mc_stat (filename, &mystat);
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