Hello /dev/rob0,

On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 10:59:01 -0600 /dev/rob0 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> [ CC'ed because I don't know if this address can post on mc-devel ]

It appears that a few posts of mine already landed to mc-devel in the past
year, nothing incorrect I hope.

> On Sunday 27 February 2005 10:26, wwp wrote:
> > I wonder if there would be a way to allow easy 1-file renaming by
> > including the filename itself in the Move dialog (when only 1 file is
> > selected) so that the filename can just be "changed".
> Shift-F6, although I seem to have problems with that in certain 
> terminals, notably GNU screen(1). It's not in the pull-down menu, 
> though.

Wow. How could I miss that?!

> Wouldn't this thread be more appropriate on mc@gnome.org ?

Yes you're right. I mis-chosen the target mailing list, thanks for telling me
that (sorry for the noise) :-\.

Thanks for your help!


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