Hello Ryan, list,

On Wed, 2005-06-08 at 14:16, Ryan Weaver wrote:
> [quote]
> I have also been talking to our leadership, and to Pavel Roskin, about
> offering to become the new Maintainer of the Midnight Commander
> Project, and Pavel has encouraged me to do so.  Pavel only wants what
> is best for Midnight Commander to be successful.
> [/quote]
> This clearly seems that you are saying that Pavel has already approved
> of your proposal.

Well indeed it seems Pavel approved of Terry _offering_ to become the
project maintainer. Which is something I've never doubted.

Anyway, all this nitpicking over semantics is not going to get us
anywhere. Although I believe Terry's words are on some occasions indeed
somewhat misrepresented or at least misinterpreted it is quite obvious
his "a head for an eye" attitude towards Miguel leaves no room for
misinterpretation and has totally disqualified him for the job he was
applying for.

As the truth obviously gets blurred by the mutual sentiments I would
like to suggest that we drop this discussion. Nothing constructive will
come from it. If you still have something to say please do it in private
and not on this public list. Let's get on with business and finally have
a release. Thank you.


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