Pavel Tsekov wrote:
Ok, here we go. I saw this coming but anyway. And no I don't like to blame

Quick View mode isn't working anymore. It is even funnier because the
behaviour differs between slang and ncurses. You deserve to be blamed
because you haven't tested the Quick View mode at all.

The "at all" is not correct. Indeed, I have left out the case where mcview is shown in the right panel. I have fixed it. Thanks for testing and the quick note.

Now the details.

1) MC with slang

   If I change to Quick View mode the panel holding the quick view (right
   panel in this case) doesn't display any text and the header line.

2) MC with ncurses

   Text is displayed, but IMO it doesn't fit well in the viewer area. It
   even is drawn in the space that should be occupied by the border.
   Header line is displayed but at the end of the text not at the start.
   The header line doesn't always have contents - i.e. if the file is not
   empty the header line contains what it is supposed to contain but in
   other cases it doesn't

These two bugs are essentially the same. When trying to write something outside the defined screen area, SLang just discards it while ncurses writes it into the next line, scrolling down if necessary.

My fault was that I did not compute the areas for the status line, ruler and data relative to the widget, but relative to the parent dialog. I didn't notice the bug because I only switched the left panel into quick-view mode and because I have the menu bar hidden.

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