Hello Pavel,

On Fri, 2005-07-08 at 09:58, Pavel Tsekov wrote:
> Still, it would be much better if you indicated in your post that the
> target of the patch is the PRE branch and not HEAD.

The patch was named MC_4_6_1_*PRE*.syntax.patch and that tag is all over
the patch as well. As that is obviously not clear enough for you I will
mention it in the mail body next time. Although I must say I am now
somewhat doubting your reading skills, so I am not sure if that would
make any difference >;-) .

As I am going to use this patch against 4.6.1 locally I've started it
against PRE, not HEAD. Once it is complete I'll port it to HEAD.

I want the list to be static wrt user input, but of course refillable
from Syntax. For the former I either have to patch quick_input so I can
make the "history" static - it is already possible to pass 2 parameters
via quick_input->value, but that is undocumented and afaict ($ grep -r
-A 1 quick_input *) unused - but I have no luck that way yet, so I might
have to reside to creating a quick_list widget. I'll keep you posted.


mount -t life -o ro /dev/dna /genetic/research

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