Hello Leonard,

On Thu, 28 Jul 2005 23:26:18 +0200 Leonard den Ottolander

> Hi,
> I'm wondering if the usage of $(expr) vs `expr` in bash scripts is
> portable, ie if we could get rid of all the unnecessary spawning of
> shells for such expressions by replacing the latter with the former.

Some questions come to my mind:

$(expr) is not supported by some shells (it's more a question of shell family
than shell fresh-ness, excepted for bash itself), do you really mean "bash" in
your post, or "shell"?

If your concern is "bash" only:

How old are the bash versions that don't support $(expr)?

Are there really still some systems running such old and poor-featured bash

Do you still want to support such bash versions, aren't there other points
that make support for these bash versions impossible?

Would there be other interests in using `expr` anyway (excepted that `expr`
works for non-bash shells)?

My 2 cts.


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