Hello all,
4 files changed edit/edit.c, edit/editdraw.c, src/color.c, src/color.h.
Changes were done on night build mc-2004-12-01-22.tar.gz.
If you request to be redone on the last code, let me know.

here are the changes (just unified diff) :

xxxxxx008:reznicek> diff -u edit/edit.c edit/edit.c.0
--- edit/edit.c Tue Jul 12 00:23:06 2005
+++ edit/edit.c.0       Tue Sep 28 15:20:30 2004
@@ -2027,7 +2027,7 @@
 /* this find the matching bracket in either direction, and sets edit->bracket 
 static long edit_get_bracket (WEdit * edit, int in_screen, unsigned long 
-    const char * const b = "{}{[][()(<><", *p;
+    const char * const b = "{}{[][()(", *p;
     int i = 1, a, inc = -1, c, d, n = 0;
     unsigned long j = 0;
     long q;
@@ -2043,7 +2043,7 @@
 /* the matching bracket */
     d = p[1];
 /* going left or right? */
-    if (strchr ("{[(<", c))
+    if (strchr ("{[(", c))
        inc = 1;
     for (q = edit->curs1 + inc;; q += inc) {
 /* out of buffer? */
xxxxxx008:reznicek> diff -u edit/editdraw.c edit/editdraw.c.0
--- edit/editdraw.c     Tue Jul 12 00:26:16 2005
+++ edit/editdraw.c.0   Sun Nov 21 02:37:44 2004
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
 #define MOD_BOLD               (1 << 9)
 #define MOD_MARKED             (1 << 10)
 #define MOD_CURSOR             (1 << 11)
-#define MOD_MARKEDBRACKET       (1 << 12)

 #define FONT_OFFSET_X 0
 #define FONT_OFFSET_Y 0
@@ -226,11 +225,7 @@
            set_color (EDITOR_BOLD_COLOR);
        } else if (style & MOD_MARKED) {
            set_color (EDITOR_MARKED_COLOR);
-       } else
-           if (style & MOD_MARKEDBRACKET)
-             set_color (EDITOR_MARKEDBRACKET_COLOR);
-          else
-       {
+       } else {
            lowlevel_set_color (color);

@@ -283,8 +278,7 @@
                        *p |= MOD_MARKED;
                if (q == edit->bracket)
-//                 *p |= MOD_BOLD;
-                   *p |= MOD_MARKEDBRACKET;
+                   *p |= MOD_BOLD;
                if (q >= edit->found_start
                    && q < edit->found_start + edit->found_len)
                    *p |= MOD_BOLD;
xxxxxx008:reznicek> diff -u src/color.c src/color.c.0
--- src/color.c Tue Jul 12 00:31:35 2005
+++ src/color.c.0       Tue Sep 28 15:20:31 2004
@@ -100,7 +100,6 @@
 /* error dialog colors start at 37 */
     { "errdhotnormal=",  0, 0 }, /* Error dialog normal/hot */ /* 37 */
     { "errdhotfocus=",   0, 0 }, /* Error dialog focused/hot */
-    { "markedbracket=",     0, 0 },    /* marked/selected bracket */

 struct color_table_s {
@@ -163,8 +162,7 @@

 #ifdef HAVE_SLANG
 #   define color_value(i) color_table [i].name
xxxxxx008:reznicek> diff -u src/color.h src/color.h.0
--- src/color.h Tue Jul 12 00:29:17 2005
+++ src/color.h.0       Fri Sep  3 09:12:25 2004
@@ -83,8 +83,6 @@
 #define ERROR_HOT_NORMAL   IF_COLOR (37, 0)
 #define ERROR_HOT_FOCUS    IF_COLOR (38, 0)

 #ifdef HAVE_SLANG
 #   define CTYPE const char *

Best Regards,

# ------------ Puvodni zprava ------------
# Od: František Řezníček <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# Predmet: mc editor small changes
# Datum: 09.8.2005 13:34:20
# ----------------------------------------
# Hello all,
# In the meantime when mc4.6.1-pre1 was the latest stable release I did some
# changes in mc editor
# to be able to highlight also '<' '>' pairs and to define new style for
# highlightment (to define red background on matching bracket)
# As you can see just minor changes...
# Now, I can see that you've released 4.6.1 and I'd like to incorporate my code
# into mc.
# What's the proposed way?
# In the attachement you can find modified files which comes from nighbuild
# mc-2004-12-01-22.tar.gz.
# Should I use the latest nighbuild and incorporate the changes there or you can
# do it?
# I attached the changes
# edit/editdraw.c (original editdraw.c.0)
# edit/edit.c (original edit.c.0)
# src/color.c (original color.c.0)
# src/color.h (original color.h.0)
# Could I hope to have these minor changes in the official mc?
# Kind Regards,
# Frantisek Reznicek
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