
On Tue, 13 Sep 2005, Jindrich Novy wrote:

> > 1. Create "mc" directory
> > 2. Change directory to "mc"
> > 3. Create ".eDonkey2000" directory
> > 4. Create ".overnet" symlink pointing to ".eDonkey2000"
> > 5. Copy ".overnet" symlink to "/tmp" BUT check "Stable Symlinks" in copy
> > dialog.
> > 6. Watch mc crash
> >
> > If you want more info, just write :)
> I cannot reproduce it either on i386 or x86_64 box. My mc doesn't crash
> even if I have "Stable Symlinks" checked or not.
> rpm -q mc
> mc-4.6.1a-0.11.FC4
> Some special setup is needed? Do you see this only on your machine or
> have you reproduced it on some other machine as well?

Doesn't seem so - see below:

My setup: FC3 + MC from latest cvs

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mc]$ ls -la
total 52
drwxrwxr-x   3 ptsekov ptsekov  4096 Sep 13 10:38 .
drwxr-xrwt  16 ptsekov ptsekov 40960 Sep 13 10:38 ..
drwxrwxr-x   2 ptsekov ptsekov  4096 Sep 13 10:36 .eDonkey2000
lrwxrwxrwx   1 ptsekov ptsekov    12 Sep 13 10:38 .overnet -> .eDonkey2000

Look at frame number 1

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00467603 in strchr () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00467603 in strchr () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6
#1  0x0808fbb4 in diff_two_paths (first=0x946e000 "/tmp/",
    second=0xbff8bc40 "/tmp/mc.eDonkey2000") at ../../mc/src/util.c:1173
#2  0x08065ab8 in make_symlink (ctx=0x9475210,
    src_path=0x946de90 "/tmp/mc/.overnet", dst_path=0x946dfe8
    at ../../mc/src/file.c:397
#3  0x08065f11 in copy_file_file (ctx=0x9475210,
    src_path=0x946de90 "/tmp/mc/.overnet", dst_path=0x946dfe8
    ask_overwrite=1, progress_count=0xbff8ce28, progress_bytes=0xbff8ce20,
    is_toplevel_file=1) at ../../mc/src/file.c:542
#4  0x08068b08 in panel_operate (source_panel=0x9465b98,
    force_single=0) at ../../mc/src/file.c:1894
#5  0x0805a929 in copy_cmd () at ../../mc/src/cmd.c:308
#6  0x0809bed4 in buttonbar_call (bb=0x9473ae0, i=4)
    at ../../mc/src/widget.c:2286
#7  0x0809bf90 in buttonbar_callback (w=0x9473ae0, msg=WIDGET_HOTKEY,
    at ../../mc/src/widget.c:2308
#8  0x08061167 in dlg_try_hotkey (h=0x9464538, d_key=269)
    at ../../mc/src/dialog.c:626
#9  0x08061242 in dlg_key_event (h=0x9464538, d_key=269)
    at ../../mc/src/dialog.c:664
#10 0x08061564 in dlg_process_event (h=0x9464538, key=269,
    at ../../mc/src/dialog.c:765

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