1. cd /tmp && mkdir dir && mkdir dir/subdir && touch dir/file.txt
2. cd dir && mc
3. press Alt+o and in right panel cd into subdir
4. on left you should be in /tmp/dir on right in /tmp/dir/subdir
5. open second MC in new console, delete /tmp/dir/subdir
6. go back to first MC, in left panel selcet file.txt and copy or move it to directory in right panel (/tmp/dir/subdir) that don't exist
7. see what will happen (filename of file.txt will be changed to subdir)

MC should report that /tmp/dir/subdir don't exist and it's immposible to copy/move file to it.

Software: Fedora Core 4, mc-4.6.1a-0.13.FC4
Marcin Garski
Mc-devel mailing list

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