Hello, Leonard!
You wrote to "MC development" <mc-devel@gnome.org> on Thu, 24 Nov 2005 
13:46:23 +0100:

 LdO> On Thu, 2005-11-24 at 18:56 +0700, Andrey V. Malyshev wrote:
 ??>> (*) By the way: in the slvideo.c file is defined another
 ??>> SLtt_init_video() function. It what cases this file is used instead of
 ??>> sldisply.c? I could not understand off-hand. Looks like MSDOS-version
 ??>> :)
 LdO> The slang directory you are referring to contains the internal version
 LdO> of slang that is used when mc is configured --with-screen=mcslang. It
 LdO> has been recently updated to version 2.0.5.

Both libslang 1.4.9 and 2.0.5 versions contains slvideo.c file.
But what is it - that is the question (c) :)

With best regards, Andrey V. Malyshev.

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