Hello Peter,

Please, calm down a bit . I understand your enthusiasm, but sending
basically the same message to all subscribers of this list three times is
a little bit too much. You will not get the desired attention by simple
wasting bandwidth. I am sure your patch will be reviewed as the time

On Fri, 3 Mar 2006, Peter A. Kerzum wrote:

> Hi!
> Sorry, I really dont want to be annoying =)
> But is not this interesting at all?
> Don't you like extfs idea?
> Don't you think about expanding the power of extfs to the entire world
> of data formats? Isn't it time to start with a more agresive kind of
> extfs initiative? Won't it be nice to 'cd' into the thing you are
> working with, be it MOF (Meta object format) declaration, a network
> session from tcpdump -w, multipart email message or alike?
> Please tell =) I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
> > ----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
> >
> > Subject: XML extfs
> > Date: Wednesday 01 March 2006 19:44
> > From: "Peter A. Kerzum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: mc-devel@gnome.org
> >
> > Hi, guys!
> >
> > Let me contribute XML extfs to stop all those FAR superiority
> > discussions :). Let me start with a brief announce.
> >
> > * Requirements
> > Extfs module is implemented in PERL and requires PERL XML::Simple
> > module, that is not included in the std distribution. This module (as
> > any other) could be installed with a single command
> > perl -MCPAN -e 'install XML::Simple'
> >
> > * Features
> > XML Extfs provides consistent read-only XML exploration features:
> > - Listing of XML document. Attribute values and text content are
> > included in the listing as part of names (eg: 'attr-name: value' or
> > '.text: text-value')
> > - Copyout of attr values, text values and elements. Elements are
> > copied-out pretty-printed, in 'source' or 'no-attr' forms.
> >
> > * Bugs and limitations
> > # - XML elements may be heavily reformatted on copyout
> > # - Datetimes are not supported, so are file sizes for elements
> > # - '/' sign in attribute values is unconditionally translated to '-'
> > # - Low file size limit
> >
> >
> > Please, let me know what do you think of this?
> >
> >
> > --
> > Peter A. Kerzum
> >
> > -------------------------------------------------------
> --
> Peter A. Kerzum
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