
                 Summary: Environment variables in a subshell
                 Project: GNU Midnight Commander
            Submitted by: phd
            Submitted on: Вторник 06.06.2006 at 10:43
                Category: Subshell
                Severity: 3 - Normal
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
             Open/Closed: Open
                 Release: 4.6.1
        Operating System: GNU/Linux



I have a lot of different environments (Python, Java, Postgres and so on),
and I source a config file when I want to change the environment; for example
running "include svn" runs

. $HOME/lib/config/svn

that adds SVN directories to PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH and MANPATH. When I do
this under Midnight Commander I have a minor problem with subshell (at least
I think the problem is in the subshell). When I run a program in the mc
command line (type "./a_script", press [Enter]) mc (subshell?) passes the
modified env vars to the program. But if I just press [Enter] on the program
mc passes an old environment as if I didn't source any config file; it seems
after pressing [Enter] on a program mc passes its own original environment,
not the subshell's environment. I think that's a bug; I'd like mc to pass the
modified environment to all programs regardless of the way I start them.

Debian GNU/Linux 3.1, mc 4.6.1-pre3.


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