Hi Leonard,

On Sun, 2006-06-11 at 13:08 +0200, Leonard den Ottolander wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-06-08 at 20:13 +0200, Egmont Koblinger wrote:
> > I've just upgraded to slang-2 in our distro and also updated the UTF-8
> > patches to mc-4.6.1 (based on SUSE's version). It was easier than I thought
> > it would be. I was glad to see that you had applied plenty of my patches in
> > SUSE (those named "00-*"). Please take a look at here again:
> > 
> > https://svn.uhulinux.hu/packages/dev/mc/patches/

00-74, 00-78 patches were helpful for me as well, thanks Egmont. They
are now applied in devel FC.

> Please take notice. It would probably be good if Vladimir and you could
> keep your UTF-8 patch sets in sync. It just seems wasted effort to do
> this in two places independently. Some inter-distro communication is not
> going to hurt. Maybe these patches should be centrally maintained in a
> contribs tree.

The problem is that Vladimir and me use different versions of mc. My
approach is to be more in sync with upstream so that there's a more
recent CVS snapshot in Fedora for now because of a very rare release
period of mc. This helps me to do only minimal changes when I want to
send a patch to upstream. SuSE uses the stable mc-4.6.1, AFAIK.

+1 for storing useful patches in contrib. It would be quite hard to keep
them in sync with devel mc though.


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