Follow-up Comment #2, bug #19373 (project mc):

When I select multiple entries and press F3, FAR will  re-sort the items.
But with Ctrl+SPACE moving down, both re-sorting the items after this and not
is a bit of evil. When not re-sorting, you end up with chaotical order after
that. When re-sorting, you have two choices - 1) re-sort, then move down, or
2) move down and then resort. In first case, you'll have trouble with
Ctrl+space-ing few consecutive directories, as the cursor will "jump wildly"
In second, you can do that fine, although with many directories, the dirs may
move out of view when Ctrl+spaced (if you are in middle of list with 1000
dirs, they will move probably to top of the list, out of view)

I think there is no good solution on this, just "less bad" solutions.

Maybe make this settable in options - let everybody choose behavior they
like. Maybe 4th option can be not to resort with ctrl+space (resort only when
"Command-> show directory sizes" is invoked)


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