
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Sat, 29 Sep 2007 00:05:56 +0100
> Von: Denys Vlasenko
> Betreff: Resolving symlinked dirs when execing command

> One thing which may be simple to fix:
> On my machine I have:
> $ ls -l /software
> lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           14 Jun 26 12:23 /software ->
> /auto/software
> If I cd into /software while I am in mc, and then
> I run any command, it is run in *resolved dir*:
> $ pwd
> /auto/software
> It differs from what happens under e.g. shell:
> sh-3.1$ cd /software
> sh-3.1$ pwd
> /software
> Why mc resolves dir and cd'es into it before it forks a child?

I am not able to reporoduce this behaviour. If you want me to track it
down you'll have to give more details. I tried with latest CVS version of MC 
with subshell support enabled. I created a link to a random directory and 
entered it via "cd linkname" entered from the prompt widget, then I pressed 
Ctrl + O and in the subshell I ended up in "linkname" and not in the resolved 
directory. Also running `pwd' from the prompt widget did not print the resolved 
dir but "linbkname".

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