
are there any plans for a new release?

On Tue, 04 Sep 2007 10:57:42 +0200 Pavel Tsekov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> As it has been discussed on the mailing list a new release of MC is long 
> overdue. So... I plan to release a new version of MC by mid October. This 
> gives us about a month (till the end of September) for final testing, bug 
> reporting, fixing, updating translations and other related tasks - the last 
> two are to be used by translators to update the MC translation. I hope that 
> everyone interested will participate in this process so that we can finally 
> release a new version.
> There are three full weeks by the end of September which can be used to 
> release at most 3 pre-releases and give each a week of testing and polishing 
> (depending on the user feedback). I am going to wait till the end of this 
> week for your suggestions on how to use the remaining three weeks and make a 
> plan according to them, then I'll publish the first pre-release on Monday. 
> This reminds me that we have another problem to solve -
> how are we going to number the new release ? Please, share your thoughts on 
> that too.

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