#119: savannah: Change default copy configuration wanted
 Reporter:  slavazanko  |       Owner:       
     Type:  defect      |      Status:  new  
 Priority:  major       |   Milestone:       
Component:  vfs         |     Version:  4.6.1
 Keywords:              |    Blocking:       
Blockedby:              |  
 Original: http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?18877

 ||Submitted by:||Jian He <hejian>||Submitted on:||Thu 25 Jan 2007 08:26:27
 ||Category:||None||Severity:||3 - Normal||
 ||Assigned to:||None||Open/Closed:||Open||
 ||Release:||4.6.1||Operating System:||GNU/Linux||

 Thu 25 Jan 2007 08:26:27 AM UTC, original submission:

 > Is there any way of configure the copy operation to default as to NOT
 > preserve attributes?

 Currently, there is no way to change the defaults. The file mask
 dialog options are not persistent.

 We really need a way to do that...

Ticket URL: <http://www.midnight-commander.org/ticket/119>
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