#137: [PATCH] (git) Fixup homepage url
  Reporter:  enrico.weig...@zaphod.local, metux IT service <weig...@metux.de>  
|       Owner:  metux   
      Type:  task                                                              
|      Status:  assigned
  Priority:  critical                                                          
|   Milestone:  4.6.2   
 Component:  mc-core                                                           
|     Version:          
|    Keywords:          
|   Blockedby:          

Comment(by slavazanko):

 Reassing of ticket mean other developer (or visitor) need to rework patch,
 give more info in comment, continue working with ticket, etc... After this
 complete, ticket reassigning back. Or not reassign back, in this case
 assigner (if developer) need to apply patch (create branch).

 About named of branches... I think, simply to 'Summary' of ticket... or
 simular to patch name...

 For example:[[BR]]
 git-branch 'fixup-homepage-url' # all letters in lower case[[BR]]
 git-branch 'git08123111-new-homepage'[[BR]]

 P.S. This additional to workflow in mail list... details appear in the
 process of works:)

Ticket URL: <www.midnight-commander.org/ticket/137#comment:6>
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