#10: savannah: copy from fish vfs stalls on symlinks
  Reporter:  slavazanko  |       Owner:  winnie  
      Type:  defect      |      Status:  accepted
  Priority:  major       |   Milestone:  4.6.2   
 Component:  mc-core     |     Version:          
Resolution:              |    Keywords:          
  Blocking:              |   Blockedby:          

Comment(by Patrick Winnertz):

 I've made a small update to this patch, as someone tries this in the past
 without completing it.
 There was a
         case 'L': ent->ino->linkname = g_strdup(buffer+1);
 but the ls command executed on the server never set a L<someinfo>, so this
 code will never be executed.

 Instead of setting a L<someinfo> line on the remote site via shell
 hacking, i
 think it is more relyable to do this locally in c as we can't know which
 commands are avialable on the remote site.

 Please comment on this (rev3).

Ticket URL: <www.midnight-commander.org/ticket/10#comment:>
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