#154: [ru-trac] Haskell language syntax highlighting
  Reporter:  slavazanko   |       Owner:  slavazanko                     
      Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  testing                        
  Priority:  trivial      |   Milestone:  4.7                            
 Component:  mcedit       |     Version:  4.6.1                          
Resolution:  fixed        |    Keywords:  vote-metux vote-winnie approved
  Blocking:               |   Blockedby:                                 

Old description:

> Original: http://mc.redhat-club.org/trac/ticket/284
> Patch for colorize Haskell syntax

New description:

 Original: http://mc.redhat-club.org/trac/ticket/284

 Patch for colorize Haskell syntax

 Committed to master:
 changeset: 16130f7caa7381663fda8f57f5b46c2b716ec17f


Comment(by metux):

 Committed to master.
 Branch origin/154_syntax_haskell can be removed now.

Ticket URL: <www.midnight-commander.org/ticket/154#comment:7>
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