#157: [PATCH] Micro helper library
  Reporter:  enrico.weig...@zaphod.local, metux IT service <weig...@metux.de>  
|       Owner:  metux   
      Type:  enhancement                                                       
|      Status:  accepted
  Priority:  major                                                             
|   Milestone:  4.7     
 Component:  mc-core                                                           
|     Version:  4.6.1   
|    Keywords:  rework  
  Blocking:  10, 14, 41, 55, 81, 125, 147, 149, 152                            
|   Blockedby:          

Comment(by winnie):

 Well.. as this should go to 4.6.2 which is only a bugfixing release I
 doesn't want to restructure the code here.

 We can restructurize the code afterwards in a new ticket ( I think there
 is already a ticket about restructurizing the code)... This would then
 belong into this ticket not into this one.

 I would now (for the 4.6.X branch) leave mhl where it is (or move it to
 lib/mhl but leaving the rest as it is.

Ticket URL: <www.midnight-commander.org/ticket/157#comment:9>
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