#148: Re: mcedit -> fancy tab handling
  Reporter:  Patrick Winnertz <win...@debian.org>  |       Owner:  winnie       
      Type:  defect                                |      Status:  accepted     
  Priority:  major                                 |   Milestone:  4.7          
 Component:  mc-core                               |     Version:  4.6.1        
Resolution:                                        |    Keywords:  review 
  Blocking:                                        |   Blockedby:               
Changes (by metux):

  * keywords:  review => review vote-metux

Old description:

> Am Montag 05 Januar 2009 21:40:43 schrieb Janek Kozicki:
> I'm attaching here the patch which is in use inside debian for a long
> time to
> add a shortcut in order to turn this behaviour off and on.
> Please comment on this patch.
> Should this also applied against mc-4.6 (which should only hold bugfixes)
> or
> should this go only into a coming 4.7 release?
> Greetings
> Winnie

New description:

 Am Montag 05 Januar 2009 21:40:43 schrieb Janek Kozicki:
 I'm attaching here the patch which is in use inside debian for a long time
 add a shortcut in order to turn this behaviour off and on.

 Please comment on this patch.

 Should this also applied against mc-4.6 (which should only hold bugfixes)
 should this go only into a coming 4.7 release?




Ticket URL: <www.midnight-commander.org/ticket/148#comment:4>
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