#205: Compilation erros on Ubuntu amd64
  Reporter:  styx     |       Owner:  metux         
      Type:  defect   |      Status:  assigned      
  Priority:  major    |   Milestone:  4.6.2         
 Component:  mc-core  |     Version:  4.6.1         
Resolution:           |    Keywords:  ssize_t, amd64
  Blocking:           |   Blockedby:                

Comment(by Enrico Weigelt):

 * MC Ticket System <tick...@midnight-commander.org> schrieb:

 > Comment:
 >  As I see, this trouble is effect from
 >  changeset:183a66f7f50282c62511af0f5c0fc73ff9cbe3fb
 >  Enrico?

 complete compiler log would be fine.

Ticket URL: <www.midnight-commander.org/ticket/205#comment:>
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