#149: files with whitespaces as start won't work via fish
  Reporter:  Patrick Winnertz <win...@debian.org>  |       Owner:  winnie  
      Type:  defect                                |      Status:  accepted
  Priority:  major                                 |   Milestone:  4.6.2   
 Component:  vfs                                   |     Version:  4.6.1   
Resolution:                                        |    Keywords:  review  
  Blocking:  10                                    |   Blockedby:  157     

Comment(by Patrick Winnertz):


 I've rebased that branch and created a diff. Please review, test and vote.

 for those who are not that familiar with git I've added the diff between
 branch and mc-4.6 so that you'll can see what will change.

Ticket URL: <www.midnight-commander.org/ticket/149#comment:>
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