#229: ncurses "default color" change to -1 when available
 Reporter:  robert.david.pub...@gmail.com  |        Type:  defect 
   Status:  new                            |    Priority:  major  
Milestone:  4.7                            |   Component:  mc-core
  Version:  4.6.1                          |    Keywords:         
 Blocking:                                 |   Blockedby:         
 When using ncurses, there is problem with setting default color to
 transparent on capable terminals. This is caused by color index going from
 0+ but the default terminal color is -1 in ncurses. So mc doesnt show true
 default color, but BLACK. [[BR]]

 This also has to be dependant on terminal support, if it supports default
 colors or not. Good inspiration about this is in htop source -> CRT.c ->

Ticket URL: <www.midnight-commander.org/ticket/229>
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