#135: [PATCH] Drop bundled libintl
  Reporter:  metux        |       Owner:  metux   
      Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  accepted
  Priority:  minor        |   Milestone:  4.7     
 Component:  mc-core      |     Version:  4.6.1   
Resolution:               |    Keywords:  review  
  Blocking:               |   Blockedby:          

Old description:

> Drop the bundled / builtin intl library - use system-installed one only.
> changeset:df9102170d789db3942ae3df379d457b4c33fa8a
> branch:135_drop_bundled_libintl

New description:

 Drop the bundled / builtin intl library - use system-installed one only.



Comment(by metux):

 rebased to master

Ticket URL: <www.midnight-commander.org/ticket/135#comment:14>
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