Am Donnerstag 05 Februar 2009 17:02:58 schrieb Jan Engelhardt:
> "
> Oops…
> Trac detected an internal error:
> OperationalError: database is locked
Yepp. this issue will raise from time to time.. this is related to a sqlite 
database under trac (so this occur if too many instances try to open the 
sqlite db). 
As the server is too overloaded with trac currently I'll move the complete 
stuff (trac + git + database) to another bigger server soon, the server is 
already setted up ( and belongs to in some way to the debian 
project) but currently I've sadly no time to move everything to this server. 
(But this will happen surely this month).

Please stay calm until this has happened :)


 . '' ` .   Patrick Winnertz <>
:  :'   :   proud Debian developer, author, administrator, and user
`. `'` -
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems

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