
1.) as you already stated in your mail is the savannah bugtracker flooded by
much more spam messages than normal ones.
2.) cvs is in my eyes not very optimal for working together. git is better for
such an task in my eyes.

Spam is a real problem, I do not know how to fix that or if that is fixable.

The issue of cvs vs svn vs git is not that important I think. There are good enough bridges to bridge SVN functionality to git, so those that want to use that could use that.

In my mind the only thing that matters a lot is to offload the maintenance work of the web site to someone else. We have historically not have very good long-term project hosting as people come and go, so offloading this to some other group that is maintaining it is always better.

I do not have a personal preference as to where this is hosted, as long as someone else is in charge of it and that someone is some sort of larger organization (Debian, GNU, Google, SourceForge all are fine by me).

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